DailyEventsReloaded -- Special events will happen during the day/night! TOTALLY CONFIGURABLE
Are you considering adding some special events to your server? If so, this plugin could be your best choice!
✅Commands: /de reload -- Reload the plugin /de set [world] [DailyEvent] -- Set the DailyEvent in the world you choose /de [world] -- See what is the current world event /de next [world] -- See what event will happen next
✅PlaceholderAPI Support %dailyevents_CurrentWorldEvent% -- The Current Event of the world where the player is %dailyevents_CurrentWorldNextEventOfxxx% -- The Next Event of the world where the player is; for example: %dailyevents_CurrentWorldNextEventOfworld_nether% means that it will return the translated name of the dailyevent which will happen next in the world where the player is %dailyevents_TimeToNextEvent% -- See after how long the next event will happen (in seconds, now only support "world")
"Weight" here means "Priority"! Current Events: ✅World Events: 1. AttackFatigue (Day Weight 20 / Night Weight 15): Player's attack damage becomes 0. 2. Disorder (Day Weight 15 / Night Weight 10): Player loses hunger when eating normal food, but gains hunger and health when eating poisonous food (e.g., pufferfish). 3. Excited (Day Weight 15 / Night Weight 10): Player gains Speed II effect. 4. Luck (Day Weight 20 / Night Weight 25): Player gains Luck I effect. 5. NoTarget (Day Weight 20 / Night Weight 18): Monsters cannot target the player, even if attacked by the player. 6. Strength (Day Weight 20 / Night Weight 20): Player gains Regeneration II and Strength II effects. 7. CropGrow (Day Weight 20): Crops instantly mature when their growth state changes (e.g., only one bone meal needed to mature). 8. MoreLove (Day Weight 40): Breeding animals (including villagers) have a 2/3 chance to produce an extra offspring. 9. Refresh (Day Weight 20): Player gains Dig_speed II effect. 10. HeavenWrack (Experimental Event, disabled by default, remind your players to take fire precautions): Randomly selects a time t between 10-60s, then summons a lightning bolt within an 8x8 range of a random player every t seconds. 11. Shield (Night Weight 20): Player takes 50% less damage. 12. StrengthenedMobs (Night Weight 16): Monsters gain Strength II effect. 13. Unluck (Night Weight 15): Player gains Unluck I effect. 17. SummonWorldEntities (Day Weight 20 / Night Weight 20): Randomly spawns a monster/animal. If the player is in a territory where natural spawning is disabled, this event will not affect the player. If the player is invisible, this event will not affect the invisible player. If the player is in creative/spectator mode, this event will not affect the player. (Spawned creature types can be adjusted).
✅Nether Events (Refresh every 20 minutes): 14. BadFire (Weight 20): Fire cannot be extinguished once ignited.
✅End Events (Refresh every 20 minutes): 15. EndermanInvisible (Experimental Event, disabled by default): Endermen gain 20s of invisibility every 30s. Note: This event has high server performance requirements and is not recommended to be enabled. 16. LowerGravity (Weight 40): Player gains Jump Boost IV and Slow Falling effects.
Paid Version Content (Due to certain reasons, the paid version is only available in China. If you are a Chinese user, please click here to purchaseand contact me. Users from other countries cannot use the following features for now!): ✅Custom Events (Default events included with the plugin): - When a player enters the Plains biome, they gain Speed II effect (configurable if you are a purchased user).
A digression: Actually I wrote the plugin "DailyEvents" since 2021, however I abandoned that in 2022 due to some reasons. Now in 2024 I have more time for this current version and if you guys appreciate this plugin, don't forget to rate 5-stars! Thanks!
Here's the config.yml:
Code (Text):
#这里是受支持的语言(Here are all of the supported languages): "ar-sa", "de-de", "en-us", "es-es", "fr-fr", "ru-ru", "zh-cn", "zh-hk", "zh-tw", "ja-jp", "pt-pt"
lang: "en-us"
#以下选项以tick为单位,指游戏中的时间The following options are in ticks, referring to in-game time
#当游戏时间为下列所设置的时间时,会自动选择一个新事件发生When the game time reaches the set time below, a new event will automatically be selected
World_Day_Tick: 1000
World_Night_Tick: 13000
#以下选项以秒为单位The following options are in seconds
Nether_Refresh: 1200
The_End_Refresh: 1200
#请检查服务器版本中是否存在以下物种,若没有请务必删除!!!Please check if the following species exist in the server version, if not, please delete them!!!
# - DROWNED #请检查Please check
# - GOAT #请检查Please check
# - TURTLE #请检查Please check
# - PIG
# - COW
# - MUSHROOM_COW #请检查(服务器中ID为Mooshroom)Please check (ID in server is Mooshroom)
# - CAT
# - PILLAGER #请检查Please check
#下界和末地世界也支持Nether and End worlds are also supported
- world
- world_nether
- world_the_end
Identification: ""
License_key: ""
Here's the language file (en-us.yml):
Code (Text):
ATTACKFATIGUE_DAY: "§eYou find yourself becoming weak."
ATTACKFATIGUE_NIGHT: "§cTonight, avoiding monsters seems like a better choice."
DISORDER_DAY: "§eToday, your eating habits seem to have changed."
DISORDER_NIGHT: "§cYou seem to need to try something else to eat."
EXCITED_DAY: "§eYou walk faster."
EXCITED_NIGHT: "§cYour feet feel like they are greased."
LUCK_DAY: "§eTrying fishing in the morning is not a bad idea."
LUCK_NIGHT: "§cYou are lucky tonight."
MORELOVE_DAY: "§eHey, animals are more fertile today!"
REFRESH_DAY: "§eYou wake up refreshed."
STRENGTH_DAY: "§eYou are full of strength in the morning."
STRENGTH_NIGHT: "§cYou are too excited now, it doesn't seem suitable for sleeping."
UNLUCK_NIGHT: "§cBad luck has found you."
SHIELD_NIGHT: "§cYou have extra shield protection tonight."
NOTARGET_DAY: "§eMonsters are somewhat afraid of you."
NOTARGET_NIGHT: "§cMonsters cannot detect your presence."
CROPGROW_DAY: "§eCrops seem to be growing desperately."
STRENGTHENEDMOBS_NIGHT: "§cMonsters have been strengthened."
SUMMONWORLDENTITIES_DAY: "§eSome creatures will quietly appear around you."
SUMMONWORLDENTITIES_NIGHT: "§cWatch your surroundings!"
BADFIRE_DAY: "§dGhost fire will not extinguish."
LOWERGRAVITY_DAY: "§aGravity has decreased."
HEAVENWRACK_NIGHT: "§cYou find that this world is not so fair; you may even suffer divine punishment."
ENDERMANINVISIBLE_DAY: "§aEndermen have learned to become invisible."
NOTHING_DAY: "§fNothing will happen."
NOTHING_NIGHT: "§fNothing will happen."
Day_End: "§cThe day has ended, welcome the night!"
Night_End: "§eThe night has ended, welcome the morning!"
Join_Server: "§bYou have joined the world §f"
Change_World_Leave: "§bYou have left the world §f"
Change_World_Join: "§bYou have entered the world §f"
Nether_new_event: "§dA new event is about to happen..."
The_End_new_event: "§dThe End is about to change..."
Event_cannot_be_used_in_this_world: "The event does not exist or cannot be used in this world!"
Event_time_not_suitable_1: "Warning: The event you chose seems to occur at an incorrect time!"
Event_time_not_suitable_2: "Warning: Although the plugin will not stop you from doing so."
Wait_to_reload: "The plugin is performing a task, please reload the plugin after 2 seconds!"
Event_successfully_set: "Event successfully set!"
Here's the default Custom Event config (PlayerInPlainsBiome.yml):