CloudLock - Advanced Chest System icon

CloudLock - Advanced Chest System -----

Secure your chests with customizable 4-digit PIN codes for enhanced protection

CloudLock is a versatile Minecraft plugin designed to enhance the security of chests within your server by allowing players to lock them with a unique 4-digit PIN code. With CloudLock, players can easily protect their valuable items from unauthorized access while giving server administrators powerful tools for managing chest security.

Support Discord:


  • Chest Locking: Players can set a PIN code on chests to restrict access.
  • PIN Management: Players can change or remove their PIN codes, and administrators can manage PINs with special commands.
  • Admin Commands: Server administrators have special privileges to bypass, change, and remove PINs, as well as open any locked chest.
  • Customizable Messages: All chat messages related to PIN operations are configurable through the plugin's configuration file.

  • cloudlock.use:
    Allows players to use the basic CloudLock commands.
    Default: true

  • cloudlock.setpin:
    Allows players to set a PIN on a chest.
    Default: true

  • cloudlock.changepin:
    Allows players to change the PIN of a chest they own.
    Default: true

  • cloudlock.remove:
    Allows players to remove the PIN from a chest they own.
    Default: true

  • cloudlock.admin:
    Grants access to admin commands to change, remove, or open any locked chest.
    Default: op

  • /cloudlock help
    Displays a list of available commands and how to use them.
    Usage: /cloudlock help

  • /cloudlock setpin <4-digit-pin>
    Sets a PIN on a chest. The player must be looking at the chest when issuing the command.
    Usage: /cloudlock setpin <4-digit-pin>

  • /cloudlock changepin <old-pin> <new-pin>
    Changes the PIN of a chest. The player must be the owner of the chest and provide the current PIN and the new PIN.
    Usage: /cloudlock changepin <old-pin> <new-pin>

  • /cloudlock removepin <pin>
    Removes the PIN from a chest. The player must be the owner of the chest and provide the current PIN.
    Usage: /cloudlock removepin <pin>

  • /cloudlock enterpin <pin>
    Enters the PIN to unlock a chest. This is used when a player is interacting with a chest that is locked.
    Usage: /cloudlock enterpin <pin>

  • /cloudlock admin change remove open
    Admin commands to manage chest PINs. Admins can change or remove any PIN or open locked chests.
    Usage: /cloudlock admin <change remove open> [arguments]
Configuration File:

  • config.yml
    Allows customization of chat messages for various plugin interactions, such as setting, changing, and removing PINs.

  • chests.yml
    Stores the location, owner, and PIN of each locked chest. This file is automatically managed by the plugin.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 78
First Release: Jul 20, 2024
Last Update: Jul 21, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
1 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings