This is a plugin where you can roll any amount of dice with any amount of sides.
/roll (Amount of dice)d(amount of sides to each dice)
You can add
Adv to make it roll Twice and take the higher
Dis to make it roll Twice and take the lower
# Placeholders:
# <player_color> - The player's color defined in 'named_colors'
# <player> - The player's name
# <rolls> - The formatted rolls
roll_format: <player_color><player><reset> rolled <rolls>
roll_format_separator: ', '
# Placeholders:
# <roll> - The value of the roll.
rolls_picked_format_adv: <bold><green><roll></green></bold>
rolls_not_picked_format_adv: <st><roll></st>
rolls_picked_format_dis: <bold><red><roll></red></bold>
rolls_not_picked_format_dis: <st><roll></st>
# This is where you can set the
# color of each player.
killercreepr: <blue>