Don't forget to add your domain in the hosts section in config.yml!
Code (YAML):
#Is your server using bungeecord? bungeecord: false
#Stripe api key, do not share! api_key: ''
#Server name, not ip. name: 'cubicstore'
#Title of the homepage title: '
%server% - Home' #One line description. description: 'ultimate stripe itemshop'
#Supported file types: png, jpg, jpeg, webp. #Image must be located in the assets folder. icon: 'assets/cubicstore.png'
#Currency, see Stripe page for info. currency: 'usd'
#Buttons displayed in the header. buttons:
#Section can be anything. home:
#Text displayed on the button. text: 'Home'
#Url to take the user. url: '/'
text: 'Store'
url: '/
#servers' tos:
text: 'ToS'
url: '/tos'
text: 'Discord'
url: ''
info: 'Online players
: %online%'
#Footer of your page. links: 'Links'
footer_icon: ''
footer_url: ''
footer: - 'The
%server% server is not endorsed by Mojang, AB.' - '@ 2024 -
%server% | All rights reserved'
#Port to launch your itemshop. port: 80
#Hosts that are allowed to interact with page. #Put here your connected domains. hosts: - 'localhost'
- 'localhost:5050'
#Server list. servers:
#Name displayed on server section. name: 'Survival'
#Description on server section. description: 'Click the button below to buy awesome products!'
#Button text. button: 'Store'
#Title of the page title: '
%server% - Survival' #Icon displayed on server section. icon: ''
#Url example: url: 'survival'
#Server name, if bungeecord is enabled. server_name: 'survival'
#Products displayed on server page. products:
#Server section. survival:
#Name of the product. name: 'Normal key'
#Icon of the product. icon: ''
#Price of the product. price: 2.0
#Buy button button: 'buy'
#Product description. description: - '<p>This is a paragraph!</p>'
- '<ul>'
- '<li>This is a list!</li>'
- '</ul>'
- 'This is also a paragraph!'
#Should the player be able to select size? pick_size: true
#Commands to run after purchase commands: - 'say
%player% bought %size% of %product%!'
#Url of the page url: 'tos'
title: '
%server% - ToS' #Contents. content:
- '<p style="font-size: 30px;
">This is a large paragraph!</p>' - '<p style="font-size
: 15px;
">This is a small paragraph!</p>' - 'This is a paragraph!'
1. Put plugin in your plugins folder 2. Restart server. 3. Enjoy.
1. Put plugin in all servers, including proxy. 2. Set bungeecord:true in config.yml on all servers, except proxy. 3. Add servers in servers section in config.yml. (All configuration is done on the proxy server) 4. Enjoy.