# Permissions: # resizeplayers.scale.self - Allows the player to scale themselves with /resize <blocks>. # resizeplayers.scale.others - Allows the player to scale other players with /resize <blocks> <player>. # resizeplayers.scale.all - Allows the player to scale all players with /resize <blocks> all. # resizeplayers.scale.exempt - Exempts the player from being scaled. # resizeplayers.scale.bypass - Allows the player to bypass the minimum and maximum scale limit. # resizeplayers.reload - Allows the player to reload the plugin with /resizeplayers reload. # resizeplayers.info.self - Allows the player to view their own height, block reach, and entity reach with /resizeplayers info. # resizeplayers.info.others - Allows the player to view another player's height, block reach, and entity reach with /resizeplayers info <player>.
# The minimum and maximum scale limit block-height-limit:
min: 0.5
max: 5
# Whether the scale affects the reach distance affects-reach: true
# The formulas used to calculate the reach distance. # Scaled-up is used when the player's height is scaled up, and scaled-down is used when the player's height is scaled down. # Options: # - "linear" - Reach changes proportionally with scale. baseReach × scale # - "exponential" - Reach increases gradually with scale raised to a power. baseReach × scale^exponential-power # - "logarithmic" - Reach increases slowly with the logarithm of scale. baseReach × (1 + log(scale)) reach-formula:
scaled-up: "logarithmic" scaled-down: "exponential"
# If the exponential formula is used, the power to raise the scale to # The default is 0.5 exponential-power: 0.5
# The minimum and maximum distance you can reach blocks from by resizing # The default for a regular scaled player is 4.5 blocks block-reach-limit:
min: 2
max: 20
# The minimum and maximum distance you can reach entities from by resizing # The default for a regular scaled player is 3 blocks entity-reach-limit:
min: 2
max: 20
# ------------------------------------------------------ # # | Messages | # # ------------------------------------------------------ # help-command-lines: -
"&7&m-------------&r &e&l{name} &7&m-------------" - "&7Version: &e{version}" - "&7Author: &e{author}" -
"" -
"&e/resizeplayers help &7- View this help menu." -
"&e/resizeplayers reload &7- Reload the configuration file." -
"&e/resizeplayers info <player> &7- View the height, block reach, and entity reach of a player." -
"&e/resize <blocks> &7- Resize yourself to the specified amount of blocks." -
"&e/resize <blocks> <player> &7- Resize another player to the specified amount of blocks." -
"&e/resize <blocks> all &7- Resize all players to the specified amount of blocks." -
"&7&m------------------------------------------" info-message: -
"&7&m-------------&r &e&l{player} &7&m-------------" - "&7Height: &e{height} blocks
" - "&7Block Reach
: &e{block-reach} blocks
" - "&7Entity Reach
: &e{entity-reach} blocks
no-permission: "&cYou don't have permission to use this command! You need permission &f
" wrong-usage: "&cWrong usage! Use &f
" only-players: "&cYou must be a player to use this command.
" player-not-found: "&cPlayer &f
}&c not found. Is the player online?
config-reloaded: "&aConfig reloaded!
" on-unknown-error: "&cAn unknown error occurred. Please check the console for more information.
scaled-self: "&aYou have resized yourself to &f
}&a blocks.
" scaled-other: "&aYou have resized &f
}&a to &f
}&a blocks.
" scaled-all: "&aYou have resized
all players to &f
}&a blocks.
" on-bypassed: "&aYou have bypassed the minimum or maximum scale limit.
invalid-scale: "&cInvalid size! The size must be a number between &f
}&c and &f
}&c blocks.
" target-exempt: "&cPlayer &f
}&c is exempt from being resized.