What is Rock Paper Scissors? Simple game that everybody knows brought into the Minecraft. Thanks to the competition between players, the gameplay will never be boring. Players can test their skills in predicting their opponent's moves and compete for server currency, which adds excitement to each duel.
Bets - The ability to play for currency available on the server.
Simple and intuitive operation - A user-friendly interface that is easy to learn and use.
PvP gameplay - Players can challenge each other to a rock-paper-scissors duel.
Invitation system - Flexible system with expiration time.
Custom message formating - Plugin uses MineDown which allows you to use the full RGB palette and more.
/rps game <player> <bet> - sends request to play rock-paper-scissors
/rps accept <player> - accepts game request
/rps toggle - toggle the ability to send invitations to you (after restarting the server, disable it for everyone)
Plugin require Vault to work! (plugin should works on minecraft 1.16-1.21 but its tested only on 1.18-1.21)
Want to ask something or report bug?
Code (YAML):
settings: # Prefix that will be adding to every message sending by this plugin # except message that are contains in list of lines (descriptionCommand, globalGameResult) prefix: '&2&lRPS &7▷ '
# Every options relevant to rock-paper-scissors game system you can find in this section gameConfig: # Maximum amount of bet (0 = no limit) (DO NOT SET NEGATIVE VALUES) maxBet: 100000.0
# Minimum amount of bet (DO NOT SET NEGATIVE VALUES) minBet: 0.0
# The time a player has to accept a game invitation # (change require server restart) acceptTime: 30
# The time a player has to make a choice. The time is measured # from the moment one of the players makes a choice. # If the player don't make a choice by the end of this time, # he will lose. # (change require server restart) chooseTime: 30
# By turning on this option, the game will automatically replay if it ends in a draw. replayOnDraw: true
# Result of games that fulfill terms below # will be displayed for all players on the server. globalGameResult: # Turing off/on global game result enable: true
# Minimum amount of bet to display global game result minBet: 50000.0
# Every options relevant to rock-paper-scissors gui you can find in this section gui:
main: # All names of materials witch you can use for section 'item' you will find here # https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Material.html title: "&8Rock Paper Scissors" rock:
name: "&8&lRock" paper:
item: PAPER
name: "&f&lPaper" scissors:
item: SHEARS
name: "&c&lScissors" fillItem:
name: " " messages: # Warning! Placeholders are created for specific messages. # Information on how to use the appropriate placeholders can be found next to the respective message. descriptionCommand: - ''
- '&7&m--
[-------&r &2RPS Commands &7&m
- ''
- ' &f/&2rps game &f<player> <bet> &7- Sends an invitation to play rock paper scissors'
- ' &f/&2rps accept &f<player> &7- Accepts an invitation to play rock paper scissors'
- ' &f/&2rps toggle &7- Toggle the ability to send invitations'
- ''
globalGameResult: #Placeholder {WINNER} - name of player who won, {LOSER} - name of player who lost, {BET} - value of bet - '&7
- ' &aPlayer &f
}&a won against &f
}&a '
- ' &awith a bet of &f
}&a$ in Rock Paper Scissors!'
- '&7
noPermission: '&4You do not have permission to use this command.'
badUseRpsGameCmd: '&7You have to give player name and bet argument &f/&7rps game &f<&7player&f> <&7bet&f>'
badUseRpsAcceptCmd: '&7You have to give player name argument &f/&7rps accept &f<&7player&f>'
betOutOfRangeMax: '&7Bet cannot be greater than &f
#Placeholder {MAX} - value that is set in config in section 'maxBet' betOutOfRangeMin: '&7Bet cannot be less than &f
#Placeholder {MIN} - value that is set in config in section 'minBet' myselfInvite: '&7You cannot invite yourself.'
rpsInvite: '&7Player &f
}&7 invites you to play &fRock Paper Scissors&r&7 for &f
#Placeholder {NAME} - name of player that send invite, {BET} - value of bet notEnoughMoney: '&7You or your rival dose have enough money for this game.'
playerNotExist: '&7Player with name &f
}&7 is not online or does not exist.'
#Placeholder {NAME} - name of player noInvitation: '&7You do not have invitation from player &f
#Placeholder {NAME} - name of the player whose invitation was attempted to be accepted. alreadyInvite: '&7You already send invitation to this player'
alreadyPlay: '&7Player &f
}&7 is already playing rock-paper-scissors.'
#Placeholder {NAME} - name of player who is already playing game winMessage: '&aYou won! You receive both deposits &f
#Placeholder {AMOUNT} - value of both deposits loseMessage: '&cYou lost! You lose deposit &f
#Placeholder {BET} - value of deposit (game bet) drawNormalMessage: '&7Draw! You receive your game deposit &f
#Placeholder {BET} - value of deposit (game bet)' drawReplayMessage: '&7Draw! The game will be replayed.'
successfullyChoice: '&7You choose &f
#Placeholder {CHOICE} - name of choice successfullyInvite: '&7You successfully invited &f
}&7 to game.'
#Placeholder {NAME} - name of invited player successfullyPluginReload: '&7Plugin has successfully reloaded.'
waitingForOpponent: '&7Waiting for opponent
noVaultDependency: '&4No Vault dependency found! Plugin wont work correctly.'
blockingInvitationOn: '&7Blocking invitations mode is now &aenabled'
blockingInvitationOff: '&7Blocking invitations mode is now &cdisabled'
blockedInvitationMessage: '&7You cannot send invitations to player &f
} &7at the moment.'
collectedGameDeposit: '&7The deposit for the game has been collected &f
#Placeholder {BET} - value of deposit (game bet) chatButtons:
rpsInviteAcceptButton: '&2&l Click to accept'