Foraging is a Spigot plugin that detects when players are holding down right click specific blocks.
This plugin provides three different foraging animation modes and allows you to customize foraging time, cooldown, foraging tools, sounds, and commands executed upon successful foraging. Additionally, it supports displaying remaining cooldown time on top of blocks.
world: world
x: 0
y: 0
z: 0
# Available foraging tools # - EMPTY_HAND (empty hand) # - mmoitem{type=TOOL,id=STEEL_PICKAXE,reduction=10%} (reduction is the percentage reduction in foraging time) foraging-tools: - EMPTY_HAND
need-foraging-tools-message: "&cRequires empty hand or foraging tools" # Time is in seconds foraging-time: 2
cooldown: 5
# Change block after foraging success change-block:
enabled: false
type: STONE
# Make sure DecentHolograms is installed DecentHolograms: # Display remaining cooldown time display-cooldown: false
foraging-success-sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP
foraging-fail-sound: ENTITY_VILLAGER_NO
foraging-success-commands: - give
%player% apple