Chat Alerts: Set up automatic alerts that get sent into the chat over a duration of time.
Bossbar Alert: Enable or disable a permanent configurable bossbar.
Actionbar Alert: Enable or disable a permanent configurable actionbar.
Title/Subtitle Alert: Using a command, send title and subtitle messagess to your players.
Easy Config: Very simple and easy configuration, perfect for any beginner configurator!
Permissions and Commands
/chatalerts send <player> <alert> - Send an alert directly to a player.
/chatalerts title <title> <subtitle> - Send a title and subtitle to all your players.
/chatalerts actionbar <on/off> - Turn on or off the Actionbar.
/chatalerts bossbar <on/off> - Turn on or off the Bossbar.
/chatalerts reload - Reloads the config.yml and alerts.yml file.
chatfilter.admin - Reload config.yml/alerts.yml. Use the send and title commands.
Code (YAML):
reload: "&aChatAlerts configuration reloaded!" no_permission: "&cYou don't have permission to use this command." player_not_found: "&cPlayer not found."
# Configuration for action bar and boss bar actionbar:
enabled: true
message: "&eThis is a permanent action bar message!" bossbar:
enabled: true
title: "&6This is a permanent boss bar message!" color: "RED" style: "SOLID"
Code (YAML):
interval: 30
permission: null
lines: -
"" -
"&a&lNew Alert!" -
"" -
"&fHoly moly, this is an alert for chat!" -
"&fWhat should we do? Lets config this alert!" -
"" -
"&e»" -
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