Messages Filter: Input as many words as you want in the slurs.yml file that you want to filter!
Auto IP/Link Filter: Automatically filtering any IP or URL sent in your chats.
Add Filtered Words: Add any slurs you want directly from the IN-GAME chat!
Chat Alerts: Receive alerts of players saying anything bad, sending links or IPs!
Command Watch/Alerts: Receive alerts of players sending commands in chat.
Easy Config: Very simple and easy configuration, perfect for any beginner configurator!
Permissions and Commands
/chatfilter add <slur> - Add any slur you want into the slurs.yml file.
/commandwatch - View what commands are being sent by players.
/chatfilter reload - Reloads the config.yml and slurs.yml file.
chatfilter.add - Allows you to add new slurs to the ChatFilter.
chatfilter.reload - Allows reloading of the ChatFilter configuration files.
chatfilter.admin - Receive alerts for filtered words, ips or links and activate Command Watch.
chatfilter.bypass - Allows bypassing the ChatFilter.
Code (YAML):
similarityThreshold: 80
# Similarity threshold for spam detection in percentage spamThreshold: 5
# Maximum number of similar messages allowed adminAlertMessage: "&c[Alert] &f{player} &7used a filtered word or link: &c{original_message}" commandAlertMessage: "&6[CMD] &f{player} &7used the command: &6{command}" spamMessage: "&cPlease do not spam the chat." reloadMessage: "&aChatFilter configuration reloaded." addMessage: "&aAdded '&b{word}&a' to the bad words list." alreadyExistsMessage: "&c'{word}' is already in the bad words list." noPermissionMessage: "&cYou do not have permission to execute this command." usageMessage: "&cUsage: /chatfilter add <word>" commandAlertEnabled: "&aCommand alerts have been enabled." commandAlertDisabled: "&cCommand alerts have been disabled."
Code (YAML):
badWords: - fuck
- shit
- bitch
Discord Support If you require any assistance you further support with our plugins, feel free to open a technical support ticket in our Discord Server!