*The plugin by default supports only Russian language. You can customize it for your language.
Plugin Description:
This plugin combines 2 plugins,
WaterDonateTop and
In the plugin on top was changed API for holograms, replaced by
DecentHolograms for better optimization, as well as removed GUI and message to chat, because of unnecessary, as well as added a new line with “Last donation”.
A price parameter has been added to the alerts themselves, which MUST be customized, because it is through this price that the top currency will be issued to the top.
(If this is not set up properly, your players will not be given the correct amount of currency to top)
Plugin Features:
- SQLite and MySQL support, top synchronization on multiple servers (Bungeecord network).
- Support rotating head, the head skin will change depending on who is in 1st place.
- Auto currency issuance, after the purchase of donation on the site (Mandatory in the setting).
- Last donation display, the last purchased donation will be displayed separately.
If you need a particular version, you can always download it at the link
https://files.flimixst.dev/strictdonate?version=1.2.3 (from 1.2.1)
(*To download the latest version, do not specify ?version)
You can find the list of all versions here
Installing the plugin:
- Download the plugin.
- Shut down the server
- Move the .jar file to the /plugins/ folder of your server.
- Start the server.
- Done.