# List of allowed worlds in which the plugin works allowed-worlds: - world
- world_nether
- world_the_end
# Enable/Disable the smelt option auto-smelt: true
# Enable/Disable the new version available message (update-message) update-checker: true
# Variables: %plugin%, %version%, %latestversion%, %link% update-message: '
%plugin% &bNew version available &e(&f%latestversion%&e)&b, you are using &e(&f%version%&e)&b. Download it here: &7%link%' messages:
# Variables: NA permissions: - '&b<
-----------------&aPERMISSIONS AUTOSMELT&b
- '&eautosmelt.* &7OP permissions'
- '&eautosmelt.help &7Allow to use &e/autosmelt help'
- '&eautosmelt.reload &7Allow to use &e/autosmelt reload'
- '&eautosmelt.version &7Allow to use &e/autosmelt version'
- '&eautosmelt.author &7Allow to use &e/autosmelt author'
- '&eautosmelt.plugin &7Allow to use &e/autosmelt plugin'
- '&eautosmelt.permissions &7Allow to use &e/autosmelt permissions'
- '&eautosmelt.updatechecker &7Allow receive message if there is an update'
# Variables: %plugin% command-no-argument: '
%plugin% &7Use &e/autosmelt help &7to see the command list'
# Variables: %plugin% no-perm: '
%plugin% &cYou don`t have permission to use that command'