BlockBreakCommandPlugin icon

BlockBreakCommandPlugin -----

Triggers a specific command when specific blocks are broken


"It does what it says"


The plugin will trigger a customizable command when blocks are broken.
The list of blocks which are able to trigger the command when broken
can be customized aswell!


# BlockBreakCommandPlugin v1.1
# by ItzMqxim 22.08.2024

# Join my minecraft servers discord:

# PLACEHOLDER: {player} placeholder for the player, who would have guessed xD
# PLACEHOLDER: {quantity} the amount of whatever you want to give, check below!

chanceToTrigger: 0.001 # The chance of triggering the command when a block is broken you can set it to whatever you want! ( 0 -> 100 )

Command: "give {player} diamond {quantity}" # The command which is triggered. {Quantity} is a placeholder for the amount ur giving, change it below!

Quantity: 1 # The amount of whatever your giving, throwback to above.

messageToPlayer: "You have found a diamond!" # The message sent to the player

broadcastMessage: "Player {player} has found a diamond while mining!" # The message everyone will see ( its just /broadcast lol )

requiredPermission: "blockbreakcommand.trigger" # The permission to trigger the command, you may set it to whatever you want!

cooldownPeriod: 60 # The cooldown to trigger the command ( in seconds )

Blocks: # The blocks that can be broken to trigger the command, example: 'GLOWSTONE' 'OBSIDIAN' and so on...

# That's all for now enjoy the plugin and have a good day :)


lmk if yall like this plugin
im fairly new to making plugins so it would be cool to
hear if its good or not :)
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 49
First Release: Jul 15, 2024
Last Update: Aug 22, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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