Overview HologramChat is a Minecraft Bukkit/Spigot/Paper plugin designed to display chat messages as holograms above players' heads. This plugin enhances server communication by providing a visual representation of in-game chat messages.
Features Displays chat messages as holograms above players' heads
Customizable hologram formatting and positioning
Supports placeholders and formatting codes
Toggle visibility of specific messages (example. /msg) only displays to the 2 participants.
Hologram follows the player
Code (YAML):
# The vertical offset for the messages (height above the player's head) yOffset: 0.0
# How often (in ticks) the text following updates. 1 tick = 1/20 second textFollowUpdateInterval: 1
# The base duration (in seconds) that the messages will be displayed displayDuration: 3
# The maximum length of each line in the message lineLength: 30
# The additional duration (in seconds) to display the message per line increaseDisplayDurationPerLine: 1
# The radius around the player in which the messages will be displayed radius: 50
# A list of worlds where the chat bubbles are disabled disabledWorlds: -
"custom_world_1" -
# Option to see your own message hologram seeOwnMessageHologram: true
# Message groups configuration groups: # Default group configuration example: # The format of the message messageFormat: "&7EXAMPLEMESSAGE: &f<message> [HP: %player_health%]" # The permission required for this message format # Supports placeholderapi https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/placeholderapi.6245/ permission: "hologramchat.example" # The weight of this group (higher values take precedence) weight: 10
# Add more groups here as needed with the same structure default:
messageFormat: "#C0C0C0<message>" permission: "hologramchat.default" weight: 20
messageFormat: "&7[&4STAFF&7] #FF8000<message>" permission: "hologramchat.staff" weight: 30
Commands /hologramchatreload Reloads the HologramChat configuration files.
Permissions hologramchat.default Gives the messageFormat of default
hologramchat.staff Gives the messageFormat of staff
hologramchat.<preference> define your own permissions and groups
hologramchat.admin Grants access to administrative commands.