Superenchants icon

Superenchants -----

This plguin adds new enchants to your game, such as healthsteal, bleed, autosmelt, and more!


Superenchantments is a feature packed Minecraft plugin that takes enchantments to another level. This plugin introduces alot of exciting enchantments to enrich your gameplay experience. From wreaking havoc with lightning strikes to teleporting at will, and even wielding a powerful jetpack, the possibilities are endless.

Available Enchantments:

- Blindness - Blind your target
- Healthsteal - Steal a specified amount of health from a player when you hit them
- Bleed - Make the target slowly bleed out
- Fire - Ignite the target on fire
- Lightning - Strike lightning when you hit a player, or right click and summon lightning
- Teleport - Right click with a sword to teleport somewhere
- Jetpack - Hold sneak and move around, with your own jetpack
- Explosive - Press sneak and let an explosive go off under your feet
- Excavator - Mine multiple blocks at once
- Autosmelt - Autosmelt ores when mined
- Freeze - Temporarily freeze a player when you hit them
- Confusion - Make your target have confusion/nausea
- Multishoot - Shoot 3 arrows instead of just one
- Dash - Quickly dash away from your opponent
- Bloodlust - Gain strength, regeneration, and speed on killing a player
- Shockwave - Send a shockwave to players around you, pushing them back
- Veinminer - Mine entire ore veins in one go
- XPBoost - Gain extra XP from killing mobs and players

Frequent Updates:

Superenchantments is a plugin that is actively maintained and consistently updated by the dedicated development team. With every update, more enchantments and features are added
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 817
First Release: Jul 9, 2024
Last Update: Aug 6, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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