NOTE: This the premium version of this plugin, whats the difference? the free plugin won't get any more updates, bug fixes and has limitations. PLEASE TRY THE FREE VERSION BEFORE BUYING THIS ONE!
So, what this plugin does? This plugin will let you customize your item from the web or using the new /itemeditor and make custom abilities for it!
Features: - Create items from the web - Create custom abilities - Create custom stats - API for developers and placeholders - Dupe detection - Player inventory command (Open victim's inventory and remove items from it by clicking on them) - Armor piece bonus - Fully customizable with no limits! - Custom projectiles - Completely create and customize items from gui (/itemeditor)
Customize your item then write your item code, Check the documents for help with the code
Now simply click on the finish button find the "items" folder in the ItemsCore plugin folder and put the file you downloaded there restart your server and it will be there.
*Stats are only placeholders as to right now*
Stats are not on the website as to right now so to add them you can simply edit the .item file you generated using the website and set the "stats" value to this:
- ==: me.tastycake.itemscore.item.stats.Stat
fancyName: '&7Damage'
fancyValue: '&c+50'
name: damage
value: 50
You can add as many stats as you want but currently they are just placeholders for example:
Fancy name is how the name will look like in the lore
name is the fancy name just simple (without colors and stuff) used to get value using the placeholder
value is the value for this stat can be anything
you can do /ic to open the gui for the items ("itemscore.admin" permission required)
Items Showcase
itemscore.admingui -> /ic command
itemscore.avoiddupe -> don't flag duped items for this player
itemscore.dupeflag -> send message to the player if someone got duped items
itemscore.playerinventory -> /playerinventory <onlinePlayer> command
itemscore.toggledupealerts -> /toggledupealerts command
itemscore.itemeditor -> /itemeditor
/ic -> open the items gui
/playerinventory <onlinePlayer> -> Open the player's inventory (can delete his items too) |
/toggledupealerts -> Toggle dupe alerts for the player
/itemeditor -> open the item editor
/itemeditor <itemName> -> edit existing item
EULA: - You are not allowed to redistribute my plugins in any form, including as part of a software package. - You are not allowed to reverse engineer or modify the plugins in any way other than through the configuration files. - No refunds!