ChatGuard is a robust and modern moderation plugin that automatically moderates your chat, preventing spam, offensive language, and advertisements. Are you tired of players advertising their servers? Annoyed by a flooded chat? ChatGuard is here to help, ensuring your community remains engaging and enjoyable.
Advanced checks to block chat abuse, including spam, offensive language, and advertisement messages, ensuring clean and readable chat.
Integrated grammar correction that enhances message clarity without interrupting the flow of conversation.
Advanced bot detection to identify and prevent automated accounts from flooding the chat.
Fully customizable punishment settings for each type of violation
Download the plugin: Get the latest version of ChatGuard from SpigotMC.
Install: Place the ChatGuard.jar file into your server's plugins directory.
Restart Server: Restart your server to enable the plugin.
Configure: Customize the plugin by editing the config.yml file in the plugins/ChatGuard directory. Replace the default kick and ban commands with your own punishment commands (e.g. replace kicking with a temporary mute). Adjust the strictness of various checks to suit your server's needs.
Testing: If you want to test the plugin, make sure you don't have bypass permissions!
Commands and Permissions
/clearchat (chatprotect.clearchat)
/togglechat (chatprotect.togglechat)
Code (Text):
# ChatProtect
# - Made by TheTigerPython -
# Configuration
# Prefix displayed before each message (you can use colour codes with &).
prefix: "&cChatProtect &7>> &c"
# If silent mode is enabled, messages will not be blocked.
silent: false
# Players must play for a certain amount of time before they can use chat.
enabled: false
# Required playtime in seconds (1800 = 30 minutes).
time: 1800
message: "You need to play for 30 minutes to use the chat!"
# Configuration for the checks:
# name: -> The name of the check; do NOT change it.
# enabled: true -> Whether the check should be enabled (true/false).
# strict: true -> Some checks have a strict mode (true/false).
# message: "Please don't break our chat rules!" -> Message shown when a message is blocked (can be disabled in settings).
# punishments:
# - "5:3 mute %name% Breaking chat rules" -> threshold:interval consoleCommand (%name% will be replaced with the player's name). Violations decrease over time.
# Advertising prevents players from advertising other servers, cheats or similar content.
enabled: true
strict: false
message: "Advertising is not allowed on our server!"
- "6:3 kick %name% Advertising" # Replace this with a mute, etc.
# Caps prevents players from using excessive capital letters.
enabled: true
# Percentage of message that must be in upper case to be blocked (default: 0.4 = 40%).
percentage: 0.4
message: "Please don't use excessive capital letters!"
punishments: []
# Repeat blocks repetitive messages from being sent.
enabled: true
# Maximum allowed similarity between messages (default: 0.7 = 70%).
percentage: 0.7
message: "You've already said that!"
punishments: []
# Spam prevents players from sending messages too quickly or spamming characters.
enabled: true
# Minimum delay between two messages (in milliseconds).
minDelay: 1000
# We can prevent spamming random letters to flood the chat.
preventRandomLetterSpam: true
message: "Please do not spam!"
punishments: []
# Swearing prevents players from using offensive language in the chat.
enabled: true
strict: true
message: "Please watch your language!"
- "6:3 kick %name% Swearing" # Replace this with a mute, etc.
# Grammar enforces that sentences must begin with uppercase letters and end with periods.
enabled: false
# Bots prevent automated accounts from spamming the chat (e.g., LiquidBounce spammer module).
enabled: false
# Determines whether to block suspicious messages sent while walking.
blockWhileWalking: false
# Message sent if someone sends a message without moving.
message: "Please move before sending any messages!"
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