The Magic Wand icon

The Magic Wand -----

Adds a single new wand that casts different spells based on combos!


Here's a fun idea- how about instead of having custom wands for different spells like most plugins (that are outdated), we have a single wand that can cast different spells based on the combos the user pulls off?

The goal of this plugin is to consolidate all spell casting into a single item, making it flexible and lightweight instead of having custom items do various effects/spells.

Current Spell List:
  • Summon Magic Arrow: Twirl + Twirl! Launches an arcane arrow that creates an arcane explosion upon hitting an entity.
  • Summon Potion (buff): Push + Swing! Throws a potion that buffs self and any entity near by.
  • Summon Beast: Swing + Swing + Swing + Push! Makes you a beast tamer...
  • Summon Lightning: Swing + Swing + Twirl! Bring in the wrath of God and summon a strike of lightning where you decide...
  • Summon Flame: Thrust + Thrust! Shoot an "Eye of Sauron" that punches the victim high into the air and sets them ablaze.
  • Summon Fire Explosion: Thrust + Swing + Thrust! Make an AoE explosion of fire particles that lights all entities hit on fire.
Looking to add more- but I want to hear from server owners what they would like!

Here's a few features to get you started:
  • Configurable health, hunger, and damage stats for each spell!
  • Item has custom meta coded in, so you can rest assured this item will not be "duped".
  • Spell book command to give players an understanding how to cast spells
  • Color coded messages to help players understand what "move" they made so they can pull of combo spells.
  • See below examples:
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And here are some other things to expect:
  • Lightweight both for server and user. There are no infinity glitches. You only need ONE item (the custom coded wand) to cast all spells!
  • Each "move" is mapped to a key stroke. I.e. left clicking a block is a different move from left clicking the air, or sneaking, etc.
  • This is a beta release, so I am open to adding more spells. I just wanted to see what people are interested in...
  • Let me know of any permissions/configurations desired!
Source code is provided as well (please credit me!), but this is just the wand. I do plan on making a bigger plugin themed around Lord of the Rings. Please do support if you are interested!

Code (Text):
#Cooldown is in seconds
summonPotion_Cooldown: 30
summonArrow_Cooldown: 1
summonBeast_Cooldown: 300
summonLightning_Cooldown: 60
summonFlame_Cooldown: 5

#Every multiple of 2 == one bar of hunger. So 6 is 3 bars of hunger
summonLightning_Food_Penalty: 6
summonPotion_Food_Penalty: 2
summonArrow_Food_Penalty: 1
summonBeast_Food_Penalty: 4
summonFlame_Food_Penalty: 4

#Food spell replenishes full hunger bar
enableFoodSpell: true
enableBeastSpell: true

#Other settings
summonFlame_Knockback_Level: 1.5
summonArrow_damage: 3

Code (Text):
name: MagicWands
version: '${project.version}'
main: org.golovlev.magicwands.MagicWands
api-version: '1.21'
    description: 'A wand that does many things'
    usage: '/magicwand'
    description: 'Gives a spell tutorial book'
    usage: '/magicwandhelp'
    description: 'Allows players to use the commands of this plugin'
    default: true


  • Add spells that users request below
  • Make sound effects for each unique move i.e. Twirl.
  • Make wand integrate to other plugins
  • Make moves reset when user stops holding wand (to avoid confusion)
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 209
First Release: Jun 30, 2024
Last Update: Aug 5, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
3 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings