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SuperLotteryChest -----

Custom Lottery Chest and Probability

SuperPackage Plugin for Minecraft
Welcome to SuperPackage, a versatile plugin designed to enhance your Minecraft experience by providing a robust backpack system. Here’s a detailed breakdown of what this plugin offers and how to use it effectively.

  1. Custom Backpack System
    • Allows players to store items in personal backpacks.
    • Backpacks are organized with 54 slots, where the central 28 slots are for player items, surrounded by decorative gray glass panes.
  2. Persistent Storage
    • All items stored in backpacks are saved automatically upon any changes and during server shutdowns.
    • Data is loaded from YML files when the plugin is enabled, ensuring no loss of items.
  3. Language Support
    • The plugin supports multiple languages (currently Traditional Chinese and English).
    • Language-specific messages and titles can be easily configured.
  4. User-Friendly Commands
    • Simple command to open the backpack menu.
  • /sv
    • Description: Opens the main backpack menu.
    • Usage: /sv
How to Use:
  1. Opening the Backpack Menu:
    • Players can open the main backpack menu by typing /sv in the chat.
    • The main menu displays 28 backpacks in the central slots, each surrounded by gray glass panes.
  2. Using Backpacks:
    • Click on any of the 28 slots to open the respective backpack.
    • Each backpack provides additional 28 slots for item storage.
  3. Saving and Loading:
    • Backpacks save automatically when items are added or removed.
    • All data is loaded from YML files when the plugin is enabled and saved when the plugin is disabled.
Language Configuration:
  1. Setting the Language:
    • Open the config.yml file located in the plugin’s data folder.
    • Set the desired language under the language key. Supported languages are zh_tw (Traditional Chinese) and en (English).
  2. Customizing Messages:
    • Language-specific files (zh_tw.yml and en.yml) are provided.
    • Customize messages and titles in these files as needed.
Example Configurations:

Code (YAML):
# config.yml[/B][/B]
: en [/B ] [/B ]
[B ] [B ] [/B ] [/B ]
[B ] [B ] # en.yml[/B][/B]
[B ] [B ]messages: [/B ] [/B ]
[B][B]  welcome_message
: "Welcome to our server!" [/B ] [/B ]
[B][B]  goodbye_message
: "Thank you for visiting, goodbye!" [/B ] [/B ]
[B][B]  error_message
: "§cAn error occurred, please try again later." [/B ] [/B ]
[B][B]  backpack_menu_title
: "§0§lBackpack System" [/B ] [/B ]
[B][B]  backpack_title
: "§0§lBackpack %index%" [/B ] [/B ]
[B][B]  backpack_name
: "§c§lBackpack %index%" [/B ] [/B ]
[B ] [B ] [/B ] [/B ]
[B ] [B ] # zh_tw.yml[/B][/B]
[B ] [B ]messages: [/B ] [/B ]
[B][B]  welcome_message
: "歡迎來到我們的伺服器!" [/B ] [/B ]
[B][B]  goodbye_message
: "感謝你的光臨,再見!" [/B ] [/B ]
[B][B]  error_message
: "§c發生了一個錯誤,請稍後再試。" [/B ] [/B ]
[B][B]  backpack_menu_title
: "§0§l背包系統" [/B ] [/B ]
[B][B]  backpack_title
: "§0§l背包 %index%" [/B ] [/B ]
[B][B]  backpack_name
: "§c§l背包 %index%"

  1. Download the plugin JAR file from the SpigotMC resource page.
  2. Place the JAR file into the plugins folder of your Minecraft server.
  3. Start the server to generate the default configuration files.
  4. Edit the config.yml file to set the desired language and customize messages if needed.
  5. Reload or restart the server to apply the changes.
Enjoy the enhanced storage capabilities with SuperPackage! If you encounter any issues or have suggestions, please feel free to reach out on the support page.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 118
First Release: Jun 27, 2024
Last Update: Jun 27, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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