Description Welcome to DiscordSync! This plugin provides seamless integration between your Minecraft server and Discord, allowing efficient rank synchronization and user management.
Rank Synchronization: Automatically synchronize player ranks between your Minecraft server and Discord.
Discord Commands: Easy-to-use commands to link and manage Discord and Minecraft accounts.
Customizable Messages: Customize messages sent in both Minecraft and Discord.
Database Support: Compatible with MongoDB, MySQL, and YAML storage.
Automatic Updates: Automatic notifications in the server when a new version of the plugin is available.
/discord link <code>: Main command to link Minecraft and Discord accounts.
/discord reload: Reload the plugin configuration.
discordsync.admin: Allows access to DiscordSync administrative commands. Allows players to link their Minecraft and Discord accounts.
Place the .jar file in your server's plugins folder.
Restart your server.
Configure the plugin by editing the config.yml file generated in the plugins/DiscordSync folder.
Code (YAML):
bot_token: "" guild_id: "" chat_channel_id: "" bot_activity: "Your Server"# Will display in the bot's status as "Playing Your Server" role_update_period: 30
# In Seconds code_expiry_time: 60
# In Seconds database:
type: "YAML"
# MySQL Configuration mysql:
host: "" port: 3306
database: "" username: "root" password: "" useSSL: false
ranks: # Format (See below) # Permission: Role ID # NOTE - Replace . with _ in permissions "group_donator": ""# Here you can add the id of any role messages:
minecraft: # Default message when the player executes `/discord` default: -
"&6&m------------------------------" - "&e&lDiscord: &f" -
"&7&o(( Click the above link to join our discord! ))" -
# Help menu to send when the player executes `/discord help` help: -
" " -
"&6/discord &7- &fDisplays the Discord link" -
"&6/discord link &7- &fLink with your Discord account" -
"&6/discord unlink &7- &fUnlink with your Discord account" -
"&6/discord whois <player> &7- Get the player's Discord user" -
" "
# When the player executes `/discord link` even though the player is already linked already_linked: -
"&e&lDISCORD &8» &fYou are already linked with &6%name%#%discriminator%&f!"
# When the player executes `/discord unlink` even though the player is not linked not_linked: -
"&e&lDISCORD &8» &fYou need to be linked to do that!"
# When the player executes `/discord link` and is not already linked link: -
" " -
" &fHead over to our Discord server &7(( /discord ))" -
" &fand type &6/link %code% &fto get linked with your Discord" -
" &faccount! The code expires in 1 minute!" -
" "
# When the player successfully enters the code in discord and is linked up # Acts as a confirmation message link_success: -
" " -
" &fYou successfully linked up with" -
" &6%name%#%discriminator% &e(ID: &6%id%&e)" -
" &7&o(( If you think this is a mistake, execute &f&o/discord unlink &7&o))" -
" "
# When the player executes `/discord unlink` and is currently linked unlink: -
"&e&lDISCORD &8» &fYou successfully unlinked with &6%name%#%discriminator%&f."
# When the player specifies an invalid player in the command invalid_player: -
"&c&l(!) &cInvalid Player!"
# When the player executes `/discord whois <target>` and target is linked whois_linked: -
"&e&lDISCORD &8» &6%player%'s &fdiscord user is &6%name%#%discriminator%" - " &e(ID: &6%id%&e)"
# When the player executes `/discord whois <target>` and target is not linked whois_not_linked: -
"&e&lDISCORD &8» &6%player% &fis currently not linked."
# Messages sent in discord that are relayed to Minecraft chat: -
"&6%name%#%discriminator% &8» &f%message%"
# When the player executes `/discord chat` and enables chat chat-enabled: -
"&e&lDISCORD &8» &fChat &a&lENABLED"
# When the player executes `/discord chat` and disables chat chat-disabled: -
"&e&lDISCORD &8» &fChat &c&lDISABLED"
# When the player tries to reload the plugin without permission no_permission: -
"&c&l(!) &cNo Permission!"
# When the console tries to execute commands reserved for players only-players: -
"&c&l(!) &cOnly players can execute this command!"
# When the admin successfully reloads the plugin reload: -
"&e&lDISCORD &8» &aSuccessfully reloaded the plugin."
# When the admin force updates roles for players in the server update: -
"&e&lDISCORD &8» &aSuccessfully updated roles for online players." discord: # When the user successfully links with his/her Minecraft account link_success:
title: "✅ Linked!" description: "You are now linked with **%player-name%**!" thumbnail: "" color: "00FF00"
# When the player successfully unlinks with his/her Discord account # Acts a confirmation message unlink_success:
title: "✅ Unlinked!" description: "You are no longer linked with **%player-name%**!" color: "00FF00"
# When the user enters an invalid code invalid_code:
title: "❌ Invalid Code!" description: "You entered an invalid code!" color: "FF00000"
# When the user is already linked already_linked:
title: "❌ Already Linked!" description: "You are already linked to **%player-name%**! \nType `/discord unlink` in game to unlink with this account." color: "FF00000"
# Minecraft chat messages relayed to Discord chat: "%player%: %message%"