ExoticBetaKey ExoticBetaKey is a plugin that allows minecraft server developers to manage the situation while in beta with these keys
Commands /key generate » generates the beta key /key list » displays all available beta keys /key reload » reload the plugin Permission » exoticbetakey.admin
Setting Up Add the plugin to your minecraft server, then restart the server and you will notice that the plugin is not enabled. This is because you need to insert the token of your telegram bot and the username to then restart the server again and now your plugin is working!
WARNING Do not restart this plugin with upload plugin you may encounter problems
prefix: "&b[ExoticBetaKey] &8» &f" keyGenerated: "&aNew key generated: {key}" keyGeneratedTelegram: "New key generated: {key}" keyList: "&bGenerated keys:\n{keys}" commandFormatError: "Incorrect command format. Correct usage: /beta [key] [Minecraft username]" keyRedeemed: "Congratulations! You have redeemed the beta key!\n\nWhen the time comes, you will be able to enter the server!\n\nName » {username}" keyInvalid: "The key is not valid." startSuccess: "Bot started successfully" reloadConfig: "&aConfiguration and database reloaded." noPermission: "&cYou do not have permission to use this command." unknownSubcommand: "&cUnknown subcommand. Usage: /exotickey generate / list / reload" usage: "&cUsage: /exotickey generate / list / reload" addedToWhitelist: "&fAdded {player}"