Let Your Memory Rest [1.8 - 1.21.4] icon

Let Your Memory Rest [1.8 - 1.21.4] -----

a powerful performance optimization plugin designed to manage and reduce your Minecraft server's RAM


LetUrMemoryRest is a powerful Bukkit/Spigot plugin designed to optimize your Minecraft server's performance through intelligent memory management and redstone control. Say goodbye to lag and hello to smooth gameplay!

Key Features:

Adaptive Memory Cleanup: Automatically manages server memory based on usage, preventing lag spikes and crashes.

Smart Redstone Control: Limits excessive redstone updates to maintain server stability without impacting gameplay.

Dynamic Performance Adjustment: Adapts cleanup intervals based on server load for optimal performance.

Inactive Chunk Unloading: Efficiently unloads unused chunks to free up valuable server resources.

Performance Monitoring: Keep track of your server's RAM usage and loaded chunks with simple commands.

Customizable Configuration: Fine-tune the plugin's behavior to suit your server's unique needs.

Easy Updates: Built-in update checker to ensure you're always running the latest version.


- /leturmemoryrest reload: Reload the plugin configuration
- /leturmemoryrest reset: Reset the plugin configuration to default
- /leturmemoryrest status: Check current server status
- /leturmemoryrest free: Perform manual garbage collection and cleanup


- leturmemoryrest.admin: Access to all plugin commands
- leturmemoryrest.reload: Ability to reload the configuration
- leturmemoryrest.reset: Ability to reset the configuration
- leturmemoryrest.free: Ability to manually trigger cleanup
- leturmemoryrest.status: Ability to check server status


1. Download the latest version of LetUrMemoryRest
2. Place the .jar file in your server's plugins folder
3. Restart your server or use a plugin manager to load the plugin
4. Configure the plugin in plugins/LetUrMemoryRest/config.yml (optional)


Having issues or need help? Join our Discord server: https://dsc.gg/kmds

Give your Minecraft server the rest it deserves with LetUrMemoryRest!
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 3,085
First Release: Jun 20, 2024
Last Update: Feb 16, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
5 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings