EzAFK is a configurable plugin designed to help server administrators manage AFK (Away From Keyboard) players on their Minecraft servers. With EzAFK, you can detect when players go AFK, notify them, broadcast messages to the server, and kick players who remain AFK for too long. Keep your server active and free from idle players effortlessly!
AFK detection: Automatically detect players who are idle for a configurable amount of time.
Custom messages: Send custom messages to players when they go AFK.
Broadcast notifications: Announce to the server when a player goes AFK.
AFK kick: Automatically kick players who are AFK for too long, with customizable kick messages.
Option to only kick when the server is full
Anti AFK mechanics: Prevent players from avoiding AFK detection using water flows or vehicles.
Configurable timeouts: Easily set AFK detection and kick timeouts through the configuration file.
Metrics integration: The usage of the plugin is being tracked by bStats.
TAB integration (> v1.2): Update your player list in the TAB with the AFK status.
WorldGuard integration (> v1.2): Make AFK areas for players, so players can be AFK at a specific area of your choice.
MySQL database synchronization (> 1.3): You can sync you AFK players to a MySQL database. This can be nice for if you by example have a custom website and want to show the AFK-status of the players on your website.
Update check message (> 1.3): On server start up the plugin checks if there is a new version of the plugin available on spigotmc.org. When a new version is available the console will give you a link to this resource.
Animations (> 1.3): When the AFK state gets enabled you have the option to show an animation to the player. There is another option for an animation when the player goes out of the AFK state.
GUI (> 1.4): Manage the AFK players easily through a GUI. You can easily alert them, teleport to them or kick them.
Custom title messages (> 1.4.2): The title and subtitle can now be set for when a player goes in and out of the AFK state.
TAB (> v1.2) We've built in a prefix for the TAB player list. You are able to add the `%afk%` placeholder in your TAB groups.yml. This can be set by example at _DEFAULT_: -> tabprefix.
The AFK prefix of EzAfk can be set in the config.yml of EzAfk.
WorldGuard (> v1.2)
We have a custom WorldGuard flag that prevents players from going AFK, this way you can make an AFK area for players. This by example can prevent automatic farms on your server since they are limited to a specific AFK area.
# Config for EzAfk 1.4.1
# Timeout in seconds
timeout: 300
message: "&cYou are AFK. Move to avoid being kicked."
# Enabling this will activate the function of the permission "ezafk.bypass"
# By default OP players have this permission.
enabled: true
# Enable broadcast message to all online players when player is AFK
enabled: true
# Placeholders:
# %player% - Display name of player
message: "&cPlayer&a %player% &cis now AFK"
enabled: true
# Prevent players from bypassing AFK
infinite-waterflow: false
infinite-vehicle: false
# TAB integration
# Requires: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/tab-1-5-1-21.57806/
enabled: false
prefix: "&7[AFK] "
# Broadcast a message when a player is not longer AFK
enabled: true
# Placeholders:
# %player% - Display name of player
message: "&aPlayer&7 %player% &ais not longer AFK"
enabled: true
# Enable the kick function after being AFK for x amount of time
enabled: true
# Enable the kick function when the lobby is full
enabledWhenFull: true
# Timeout in seconds
timeout: 600
message: "&cYou have been kicked from this server for being AFK too long!"
# https://dev.bukkit.org/projects/worldguard
worldguard: true
# https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/tab-1-5-1-21.57806/
tab: true
# Check for EzAfk updates while startup server
# This is being done async and will not affect the startup time of your server
check-for-update: true
# Database for storing AFK players
enabled: false
host: "localhost"
port: 3306
database: "ezafk"
username: "root"
password: ""
ezafk.bypass - Bypass the auto AFK when "afk.bypass.enabled" is true in the config
ezafk.gui - Usage of the GUI to manage AFK players
/afk - Players can set themselves as AFK using the /afk command.
/afk reload - Reload the plugin configuration with the /afk reload command.
The GUI is available with the command
/ezafk gui, the permission
ezafk.gui or OP is required to use the GUI.
Options available in the GUI:
Kick player
Notice player
Teleport to player
For support, suggestions, or bug reports, please visit our support thread on SpigotMC.org.
Keep your server active and free from idle players with EzAFK! Download now and take control of AFK players on your server.