NOTE: Only Deadly Darkness 1.2.0 and higher versions support 1.9.2 - 1.21
Deadly Darkness 1.1.2 and lower versions only support 1.17.1 - 1.21
Deadly Darkness
Once a player enters a light level that is determined as "deadly" they wills start taking damage
The plugin can be configured to instantly kill the player or slowly chip away at their health
The plugin can also be configured to explode the player on death for a little bit of fun
Light Level Display
A light level display will be displayed above the hotbar or on a boss bar (configurable)
The light level display can be turned off for a greater challenge
Run Commands On Events
Run any command whenever a player enters, leaves, or dies to the darkness
65+ Different Settings to Configure in Config.yml
Description: Reloads the config
Aliases: ddr, ddreload
Deadly Darkness 1.3.0 and Higher Versions:
Description: Toggles the action bar and boss bar
Aliases: ddd, dddisplays, toggle
Description: Allows you to bypass taking damage
Aliases: ddb, ddbypass, bypass
Deadly Darkness 1.2.2 and Lower Versions:
Description: Permission to use /deadlydarknessreload
Default: op
Description: Permission to bypass taking damage and exploding
Default: false
Deadly Darkness 1.3.0 and Higher Versions:
Description: Permission to bypass taking damage and exploding
Default: true
Description: Permission to use /deadlydarknessreload
Default: op
Description: Permission to use /deadlydarknessdisplays
Default: true
Description: Permission to use /deadlydarknessbypass
Default: op
Code (YAML):
# General Settings general: # Determines if the plugin is enabled or not enabled: true
# Determines if the plugin will send metric data to bStats # Server reload/restart required # Default: true metrics: true
autoCheck: # Determines if the plugin will run the light level check every {general.checks.autoCheck.delay} amount of ticks without requiring the player to move # Default: true enabled: true
# The delay (in ticks) before the light level check is run - this does not include player movement checks # Default: 40 delay: 40
# Determines if a light level check is run every time the player moves # Default: true playerMove: true
# Determines if the plugin works on OPed players # Default: true ignoreOPs: true
# Determines if the plugin only works on players in survival mode # Default: true survivalOnly: true
disabledWorlds: # Determines if the plugin will check the world the player is currently in # Default: false enabled: false
# Worlds in which the light level checks are disabled # Default: [blank] worlds: -
"example_world" -
"example_world2" fixes: # Determines if the player's vehicle location is used instead of the player's normal location # Using the player's location while riding a vehicle can sometimes report a light level of 0 # Default: true vehicles: true
# Determines if soul sand reports the correct light level instead of 0 # Default: true soulSand: true
lightLevel: # The light level at which the player starts taking damage # DO NOT SET HIGHER THAN {general.lightLevel.escape} # Default: 0 deadly: 0
# The light level that the player needs to reach in order for the damage to stop # Only works if {general.damage.instantDeath} is off # DO NOT SET LOWER THAN general.lightLevel.deadly} # Default: 5 escape: 5
# The maximum light level for the warning light level # DO NOT SET LOWER THAN {general.lightLevel.deadly} # Default: 4 divider: 4
damage: # Determines if players instantly dies when in the dark # Default: false instantDeath: false
# The amount of damage the player takes every {general.damage.delay} ticks # Only works if instantDeath is off # Default: 4 playerDamage: 4
# The delay (in ticks) before the player is damaged again # Default: 20 delay: 20
# Determines if players who left the game while in the darkness are killed # Default: true killOnLeaveWhileInDark: true
explosion: # Determines if the player explodes when they die in the dark # {general.damage.instantDeath} will cause an instant explosion # Default: true enabled: true
# The size of the explosion # Default: 3 size: 3
commands: # Determines if the deadlydarknessdisplays command is enabled # Default: true toggleDisplaysEnabled: true
# Determines if the deadlydarknessbypass command is enabled # Default: true toggleBypassEnabled: true
enterDarkness: # Determines if a command is run when the player enters an area with a light level of {general.lightLevel.deadly} # Default: false enabled: false
# Determines if the command will be run by the console or by the player that triggered the event # Default: true runAsConsole: true
# The commands that will be run once the player enters an area with a light level of {general.lightLevel.deadly} # You can enter any number of commands that you want # {player} = player's name # Default: [blank] commands: -
"command1" -
"command2" leaveDarkness: # Determines if a command is run when the player enters an area with a light level of {general.lightLevel.escape} or higher # Default: false enabled: false
# Determines if the command will be run by the console or by the player that triggered the event # Default: true runAsConsole: true
# The commands that will be run once the player enters an area with a light level of {general.lightLevel.escape} or higher # You can enter any number of commands that you want # {player} = player's name # Default: [blank] commands: -
"command1" -
"command2" deathFromDarkness: # Determines if a command is run when the player dies from the darkness # Default: false enabled: false
# Determines if the command will be run by the console or by the player that triggered the event # Default: true runAsConsole: true
# The commands that will be run once the player dies from the darkness # You can enter any number of commands that you want # {player} = player's name # Default: [blank] commands: -
"command1" -
"command2" sound: # Determines if a sound is played once the player enters the darkness # Default: true enabled: true
# The sound that will be played # A list of sound names can be found here: # MAKE SURE TO USE SOUNDS THAT EXIST IN YOUR VERSION OF MINECRAFT - 1.17.1 SOUNDS WILL NOT WORK IN 1.9.2 # Default: ENTITY_SQUID_SQUIRT # Default 1.12.2 and under: ENTITY_IRONGOLEM_DEATH id: "ENTITY_SQUID_SQUIRT"
# The volume of the sound # Default: 2 volume: 2
# The pitch of the sound: # Default: 0.5 pitch: 0.5
# Style Settings style:
actionBar: # Determines if the Action Bar is enabled # Default: true enabled: true
# How the Action Bar will look # {bars} = the colored bars representing the light level # {iBars} = same as {bars} but backwards # {icon} = {style.actionBar.[level].icon} # {ll} = light level # Use & for color coding # Default: {bars}&8[{icon}&8]{iBars} actionBar: "{bars}&8[{icon}&8]{iBars}"
# The symbol that will be used to make the bars # Recommended symbols: "|" or "▌" # You can change the size of the Action Bar by adding more of the same symbol # Default: ||| bar: "|||" normal: # The primary color for the bars while the light level is greater than {general.lightLevel.divider} # Use & for color coding # Default: &a primaryColor: "&a"
# The secondary color for the bars while the light level is greater than {general.lightLevel.divider} # Use & for color coding # Default: &7 secondaryColor: "&7"
# The icon for the Action Bar while the light level is greater than {general.lightLevel.divider} # Use & for color coding # Default: &2☀ icon: "&2☀" warning: # The primary color for the bars while the light level is less than or equal to {general.lightLevel.divider} # Use & for color coding # Default: &a primaryColor: "&e"
# The secondary color for the bars while the light level is less than or equal to {general.lightLevel.divider} # Use & for color coding # Default: &7 secondaryColor: "&c"
# The icon for the Action Bar while the light level is less than or equal to {general.lightLevel.divider} # Use & for color coding # Default: &6☀ icon: "&6☀" deadly: # The primary color for the bars while the light level is less than {general.lightLevel.divider} # Use & for color coding # Default: &a primaryColor: "&e"
# The secondary color for the bars while the light level is less than {general.lightLevel.divider} # Use & for color coding # Default: &c secondaryColor: "&c"
# The icon for the Action Bar while the light level is less than {general.lightLevel.divider} # Use & for color coding # Default: &4☠ icon: "&4☠" bossBar: # Determines if the Boss Bar is enabled # Default: false enabled: false
# The title of the Boss Bar # {icon} = {style.bossBar.[level].icon} # {ll} = light level # Use & for color coding # Default: {icon} &8[&6{ll}&8] {icon} bossBar: "{icon} &8[&6{ll}&8] {icon}"
# The style of the Boss Bar # List of styles: # Default: SOLID style: "SOLID" normal: # The color for the Boss Bar while the light level is greater than {general.lightLevel.divider} # List of colors: # Default: GREEN color: "GREEN"
# The icon for the Boss Bar while the light level is greater than {general.lightLevel.divider} # Use & for color coding # Default: &2☀ icon: "&2☀" warning: # The color for the Boss Bar while the light level is less than or equal to {general.lightLevel.divider} # List of colors: # Default: YELLOW color: "YELLOW"
# The icon for the Boss Bar while the light level is less than or equal to {general.lightLevel.divider} # Use & for color coding # Default: &6☀ icon: "&6☀" deadly: # The color for the Boss Bar while the light level is less than {general.lightLevel.divider} # List of colors: # Default: RED color: "RED"
# The icon for the Boss Bar while the light level is less than {general.lightLevel.divider} # Use & for color coding # Default: &4☠ icon: "&4☠" inDark: # Determines if a message is displayed once the player starts taking damage from the darkness # Default: true enabled: true
# The message that will be sent to the player once they start taking damage from the darkness # {ll} = {general.lightLevel.escape} # Use & for color coding # Default: &cHurry back to an area with a &eLight Level &cof &6{ll} &cor higher! message: "&cHurry back to an area with a &eLight Level &cof &6{ll} &cor higher!" outOfDark: # Determines if a message is displayed once the player stops taking damage from the darkness # Default: true enabled: true
# The message that will be sent to the player once they stop taking damage from the darkness # Use & for color coding # Default: &aYou are safe from the &6Dark&a. message: "&aYou are safe from the &6Dark&a."
# The message that is displayed when the player dies to the darkness # {player} = player's name # Default: {player} was consumed by the Darkness deathMessage: "{player} was consumed by the Darkness" commands: # Message style that is displayed when a player runs a command they don't have permission for # Default: &7[&4Deadly Darkness&7] &cYou do not have permission to run this command. insufficientPermissions: "&7[&4Deadly Darkness&7] &cYou do not have permission to run this command."
# Message style that is displayed when a run command is disabled # Default: &7[&4Deadly Darkness&7] &cThis command is disabled. commandDisabled: "&7[&4Deadly Darkness&7] &cThis command is disabled."
# Message style that is displayed when the /deadlydarknessdisplays command is run and the displays are enabled # Default: &7[&4Deadly Darkness&7] &fLight level displays has been &aEnabled&f. displaysEnabled: "&7[&4Deadly Darkness&7] &fLight level displays has been &aEnabled&f."
# Message style that is displayed when the /deadlydarknessdisplays command is run and the displays are disabled # Default: &7[&4Deadly Darkness&7] &fLight level displays has been &cDisabled&f. displaysDisabled: "&7[&4Deadly Darkness&7] &fLight level displays has been &cDisabled&f."
# Message style that is displayed when the /deadlydarknessbypass command is run and the player is bypassing taking damage # Default: &7[&4Deadly Darkness&7] &aYou are no longer affected by the darkness. bypassEnabled: "&7[&4Deadly Darkness&7] &aYou are no longer affected by the darkness."
# Message style that is displayed when the /deadlydarknessbypass command is run and the player is no longer bypassing taking damage # Default: &7[&4Deadly Darkness&7] The darkness affects you again... bypassDisabled: "&7[&4Deadly Darkness&7] The darkness affects you again..."