Plugin Information Do you own a Minecraft practice server? When a player wants to make their own kit with this plugin instead of rearranging the default inventory every time it becomes easy! Players can make their own custom kits and ender chests to load whenever they want with a few easy commands!
A virtual kitroom where players can pick the items they want to use
A custom kit and ender chest builder GUI
Only one command to load kits
Easily customisable kitrooms for admins by using the GUI
Commands and permissions Commands
/k<number>: loads your kit of the specified index (no space between k and index)
/ec<number>: loads your ender chest of the specified index (no space between ec and index)
/kit, /k, /kits: loads the main menu where you can choose what kit to edit
/kitroom: opens the kitroom
/kitadmin opens the admin menu where you can edit the kitroom