DeathLog icon

DeathLog -----


Introduction to DeathLogPlugin DeathLogPlugin is a Minecraft plugin that allows players to log detailed information when a player dies in the game.
When a player dies, the plugin will store the following information:
- Player name
- Death message
- Death location
- Date of death
- Cause of death
Additionally, this plugin provides the `/deathlog` command, which allows players or administrators to display a list of logged death records. DeathLogPlugin is developed to help Minecraft server administrators easily and efficiently track and manage death events in the game.
Even if you restart the server, rest assured that all player deathlogs have been saved locally (deathlog only saves each player up to 12 most recent deaths).

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 74
First Release: Jun 15, 2024
Last Update: Jun 15, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings