Lunar Spawners v1.0 icon

Lunar Spawners v1.0 -----

This allows players to create and manage custom mob spawners with ease.

Lunar Spawners is a Minecraft plugin designed for Spigot 1.21 that allows players to create and manage custom mob spawners with ease. With this plugin, players can generate spawners containing any type of mob available in the game, providing a versatile tool for enhancing gameplay and server customization.

  • Custom Mob Spawners: Generate spawners with any desired mob type, from rabbits to ender dragons.
  • Simple Command: Use the /givespawner <mob_type> command to receive a spawner with the specified mob.
  • User-Friendly: Displays a list of valid mob types in the chat when the command is used incorrectly or without arguments.
  • Integrated Error Handling: Ensures players are informed of invalid mob types and provides guidance on correct command usage.
  • /givespawner <mob_type>
    • Description: Gives the player a spawner with the specified mob type.
    • Usage: /givespawner <mob_type>
    • Example: /givespawner rabbit gives the player a spawner that spawns rabbits.
  1. Receive a Spawner: Type /givespawner <mob_type> in the chat. Replace <mob_type> with the desired mob (e.g., rabbit, zombie, chicken).
  2. Valid Mob Types: If you use the command without specifying a mob type or with an invalid mob type, the plugin will display a list of all valid mob types in the chat.
  • lunarspawners.give: Permission to use the /givespawner command.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 25
First Release: Jun 14, 2024
Last Update: Jun 14, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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