If you are using a paper server enable this function in paper.yml!!!
use-vanilla-world-scoreboard-name-coloring: true (must be true)
Welcome to the Better-District plugin! This project is created by mimitokox_ and is designed to enhance your Minecraft server THE HUNGER GAMES.
- District Management: Easily manage and edit districts within your Minecraft server.
- Multi-language Support: Available in both Polish (PL) and English (ENG). Change the language in the configuration file.
- Fully Configurable: Customize districts and other settings to fit your server's needs.
1. Download the Better-District plugin
2. Place the plugin jar file into your server's
plugins directory.
3. Select the language in the configuration file
4. Restart your server to generate the default configuration files.
/districtadmin <player/district/help> - Admin commands. More information under
/districtadmin help.
/district invite <player> - If you are the founder of the district invite players!
/district leave - Leaves the district.
/district accept <district number> - Accepts the request to join the district
/district removeplayer <player> - Removes a player from the district
/district chat <messenger> - Message to everyone in the district
/d /bd = /district
/da /dadmin /bdadmin = /districtadmin