Auto Text Moderation (Regex Support) icon

Auto Text Moderation (Regex Support) -----

Deletes and punishes bad language from chat, signs, books, anvils and commands!

Auto Text Moderation
Stops players from using inappropriate language in chat, while renaming items in the anvil, on signs, in books and in commands.

How it works:
  • Players attempting to use banned words receive a warning. If warnings exceed a threshold, a punishment command is executed.
  • Banned words are listed in the config.yml file in REGEX format. Use this tool to create the list:
  • Minor and Major Lists: Separate thresholds and punishment commands for each list can be edited in the config.
  • Punishment Toggle: Setting this to false prevents the use of banned words without imposing a punishment.
  • Other configs: Punishment thresholds and commands can also be changed in the config.
  • In game command can also be used to edit all the configs.

What is Regex:
Regex allows multiple forms of a word to be blocked at once. For example, the word "Potato" can be blocked as:
  • p_o_T_a__to
  • PoooTaaTooo
  • po02340tato005

/configAutoTextModeration <type of config> <config value>

Change threshold, punishment command, or punishment toggle.

How to make the Regex List:

Visit this page:
Make the Minor/Major list and click submit

Copy this part

Open config.yml in notepad and paste the major list in 'major-regex-list' and minor list in 'minor-regex-list'
You can also edit other configurations here.
Make sure to save this file using Ctrl+S

Code (YAML):
punishment-toggle : 'true' #Set this to false if you do not want players to be punished

: 5 #Minor punishment will be imposed if a player uses words from the minor list more than the threshold

: 'kick %player% Mind your words.'

: 3 #Major punishment will be imposed if a player uses words from the major list more than the threshold

: 'ban %player% Excessive usage of banned words.'

: #Add the REGEX for words which result in minor punishment using this converter -
  - '\b (?i ) (b (\W|\d|_| )+ )+ (i (\W|\d|_| )+ )+ (t (\W|\d|_| )+ )+ (c (\W|\d|_| )+ )+ (h (\W|\d|_| )+ )+'

: #Add the REGEX for words which result in major punishment using this converter -
  - '\b (?i ) (n (\W|\d|_| )+ )+ (i (\W|\d|_| )+ )+ (g (\W|\d|_| )+ )+ (a (\W|\d|_| )+ )+'
  - '\b (?i ) (n (\W|\d|_| )+ )+ (i (\W|\d|_| )+ )+ (g (\W|\d|_| )+ )+ (g (\W|\d|_| )+ )+ (a (\W|\d|_| )+ )+'
DM me on discord for support if required: bluetea_0
Thank you for using. Have fun!
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 100
First Release: Jun 12, 2024
Last Update: Jun 15, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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