Silent Admins By Pl0ver icon

Silent Admins By Pl0ver -----

Plugin adding silent joins and leaves for players with required permission (no text message on chat)

silentadm miniaturka.png
Plugin for admins or players with permission "silent-join" and "silent-quit".
It gives ability to join and leave without message on chat informing others that this player just joined for example "(Player) joined the game" or "(Player) left the game".

*From version 1.1 also new command exists "/v" - now possible to toggle vanish mode on and off. Config files were also added so now plugin is configurable (mainly messages because there is not much to configure, it's simple plugin).

Plugin will be developed more and more over the time (now its just simple plugin but I am going to upgrade it by adding some serious updates).

Feel free to support more developed versions and plugins ;)

Plugin dla administracji badz graczy z permisjami "silent-join" albo "silent-quit".
Daje mozliwosc dolaczania i wychodzenia z gry bez wiadomosci informujacych innych graczy o tym ze gracz wlasnie dolaczyl badz wyszedl z gry na przyklad "(Gracz) dolaczyl do gry" badz "(Gracz) wyszedl z gry".

Od wersji 1.1 istnieje takze nowa komenda "/v" - od teraz umozliwia przelaczanie trybu vanish z wlaczonego na wylaczony i na zmiane. Zostaly takze dodane pliki konfiguracyjne wiec plugin jest juz mozliwy do konfiguracji (glownie wiadomosci gdyz nie ma tu duzo do konfigurowania, jest to prosty plugin).

Plugin bedzie rozwijany coraz bardziej z czasem (w tej chwili jest to prosty plugin ale mam zamiar ulepszac go dodajac coraz lepsze aktualizacje)

Czujcie sie wolni do wsparcia wiekszej ilosci prac nad wersjami i pluginami ;)

- "/v"

- "silent-join" - joins
- "silent-quit" - leaves
- "vanish.*" - toggle on and off vanish mode
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 55
First Release: Jun 8, 2024
Last Update: Jun 11, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
1 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings