LightOpSecurity - Elevating Operator Security
LightOpSecurity fortifies the security of operator (Op) accounts on your Minecraft server. By requiring Ops to input a security code upon joining, the plugin ensures that only authorized individuals wield administrative privileges.
Security Code Verification: Mandatory security code input for Op access.
Idle Kick: Automatic removal of Ops who fail to verify within the designated time.
Customizable Messages: Tailor-made prompts and sounds for verification processes.
Event Restrictions: Temporarily restricts Ops from moving, chatting, or executing commands until verification is complete.
Configurable Attempts: Define the maximum number of incorrect attempts before an Op is kicked.
How It Works
Join the Server: Ops are prompted to enter a security code upon joining.
Verification Process: Ops are unable to perform any actions until the correct security code is entered.
Idle Timeout: Ops who fail to verify within the specified time frame are automatically kicked from the server.
Incorrect Attempt Limit: Ops are kicked after exceeding the maximum allowed incorrect attempts.
Download LightOpSecurity now and safeguard your server against unauthorized access!
LightOpSecurity - Because safeguarding your server's integrity is paramount.
# LightOpSecurity Plugin Configuration
# ------------------------------
# Customize the behavior of the LightOpSecurity plugin.
# Security code for OP players
# OP players need to enter this code to verify their authority.
opcode: "1234"
# Kick message for players who enter the wrong security code
# Shown to players who get kicked after too many wrong code attempts.
kick-message: "&cYou've been kicked for entering the wrong security code."
# Threshold for wrong security code attempts before kicking the player
# Maximum incorrect attempts allowed before a player gets kicked.
kick-threshold: 3
# Timeout in seconds for kicking idle OP players
# Time (in seconds) an OP player can stay idle before being kicked for not verifying their identity.
idle-timeout-seconds: 30
# Kick message for OP players who are idle without entering the security code
# Shown to OP players who get kicked for being idle without verifying their identity.
idle-kick-message: "&cYou've been kicked for being idle without entering the security code."
# Notifications Configuration
message: "You have the authority to enter codes on this server!"
interval: 60
color: "GOLD"
securitySymbol: "✔"
warningSymbol: "⚠"
warningColor: "RED"
successSymbol: "✔"
successColor: "GREEN"
enabled: true
message: "&eAttention"
subtitle: "&aYou are authorized"
message: "&aCode Accepted!"
subtitle: "&2You have been verified."
message: "&aYou have successfully entered the security code and have been verified!"