⚙️ WatchLogs ⚙️ -  Ultimate All-in-One Log Solution - DiscordBot, Commands, WebPanel [1.7-1.21+] icon

⚙️ WatchLogs ⚙️ - Ultimate All-in-One Log Solution - DiscordBot, Commands, WebPanel [1.7-1.21+] -----

Logs plugin ! You can search logs with interactive tools like discord bot, website panel or cmds.

⚙️ WatchLogs ⚙️ - Ultimate All-in-One Log Solution [1.7-1.20.6]

Welcome to WatchLogs, the ultimate Minecraft logging plugin! Packed with an array of features, WatchLogs ensures your server management experience is seamless and efficient. Whether you're an administrator, moderator, or player, WatchLogs offers intuitive commands and robust functionalities to enhance your gameplay and server maintenance.

Key Features :

  • Web panel : You can search and view all logs into an interactive and fully configurable web panel.
  • Intuitive Log Search: Easily search logs using intuitive commands.
  • Extensive Logging: Record various types of logs for comprehensive server monitoring.
  • Discord Logging System: Seamlessly integrate with Discord for real-time log updates.
  • ⚙️ Fully Configurable: Customize the plugin to suit your server's needs.
  • Broad Compatibility: Compatible with Minecraft versions 1.7 to 1.20.
  • Item Retrieval System: Retrieve lost items with ease using log data.
  • Player Inventory Recovery: Recover player inventories upon death for a seamless gameplay experience.
  • ️ Block and Container Log Search Tool: Utilize powerful log search tools to investigate blocks and containers.
  • File Logging: Log to text files for additional data retention options.
  • ⏱️ Automatic Log Purging: If you want, logs can be automatically deleted after a certain number of days for efficient storage management.
  • ️ Multi-Language Support: English (US) and French languages are supported. Ask me if you want support for other languages
  • Command Blacklist: Blacklist specific commands from being logged.
  • Discord /In-game Log Filtering: Choose which logs are sent to Discord and in-game.
  • Discord Bot Integration: Configure the plugin and get information using Discord commands.
  • ️ Database Storage: Logs are stored in a MySQL or SQL database, providing efficient data management.
  • Import-Export Data System: Easily import and export data from the database.
  • ️ Trace Item System: You can set a tracer in an item, and retrace all the actions with that for know, for example, if a rare item is duplicated or no.
  • Multi Server Monitoring: You can monitoring a lot of servers ( without Bungeecord ) in the same database, with the same web panel and with the same discord bot.
Upcoming Features
  • [❌] Discord-based search system (Enables searching logs through Discord)
  • [❌] Extending discord commands and discord modules (Like add more discord commands)
  • [❌] Real-time log display in chat (Shows logs directly in the in-game chat)
  • [✅] Block/items blacklist for logging (Allows excluding certain blocks/items from being logged)
  • [❌] Customizable log formatting (Enables customization of log output format)
  • [❌] Advanced permissions system (Offers more granular control over permissions)
  • [❌] Integration with other popular plugins (e.g., EssentialsX, WorldEdit, Vault or other)
  • [✅] Web-based log viewer (Provides a web interface for viewing logs)
  • [❌] Logging statistics and analytics (Gathers data on log usage and trends)
  • [❌] Backup and restore functionality (Allows backing up and restoring server logs)
  • [✅] Export/import logs feature (Enables exporting and importing log data for analysis or migration)
For know how to use the API for WatchLogs, please go see that in my readme.md on the github repo : https://github.com/Boulldog0/WatchLogs

Plugin using the API :

UltimateBackpack by Boulldogo ( https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/ultimatebackpack-1-8-1-21.118541/ )

If once of your plugin use the API of WatchLogs, contact me into discord, i can add it here !

️ Commands & Utilities:
Commands :

/wl help -> Displays the help message.
/wl tool <setlimit> <limit> -> Activate or deactivate the logging tool/ Modify the limit of results search by the tool.
/wl database -> Displays information about the database.
/wl page <number> -> Displays logs for the specified page.
/wl tpto <id> -> Teleport to the location of the specified action.
/wl giveitem <id> -> Gives you the item corresponding to a specific action.
/wl import <name> <originalId> -> Import .json files in the logs system.
/wl export <lines> <parameters> -> Export logs datas with given lines number (or all for export all outputs lines) in .json file with given settings.
/wl gdeath <id> -> Gives the inventory related to a specific death.
/wl search <parameters> -> Search logs with the specified parameters.
/wl website <givecode/deleteaccount/port> -> Give security code or delete account or give the port from the website.
/wl traceitem <search/give/settrace/removetrace/check> -> Traceitem commands (explanations under)
/wl spy <add/remove> <player> <args> -> Spy the actions of players

How to use the traceitem command :

Search command : Use an trace UUID or dirrecty the item for have all the actions when the traced item is concerned

Give command : You can give an item via console or player with a command. You can personnalize the item dirrectly with the command, and the item is automatically traced.

Traceitem give command utilities :

name: Give a custom name on the item. Example: /wl traceitem give item:ITEM name:&cTes
lore: Set custom lore on the item. Example: /wl traceitem give item:ITEM lore:&cTest\|&eTest
enchants: Add enchantments on the item. . Example: /wl traceitem give item:ITEM enchants:sharpness:5,unbreaking:3`
player: Give a player for give the item. Example: /wl traceitem give item:ITEM player:Steve
item: The given item. Example: /wl traceitem give item:ITEM`

Aliases of WatchLogs commands : /watchlogs, /watchl, /wlogs, /wl

Search command utilities :

p: Search by player name. Example: /wl search p:Steve
a: Search by action type.Example: /wl search a:block-break
w: Search within a specified world. Example: /wl search w:world_nether
t: Search within a specific time period. Example: /wl search t:30m
f: Search within a specific filter in result category. Example: /wl search f:NETHERITE_SWORD
l: Search within a custom limit of results. Example : /wl search l:90
r: Search within a specific radius around you. Example: /wl search r:3
all (export command only) Export alldatas from the database. /wl export all all

These prefixes can be used to refine your search and find specific logs you're looking for. Multiple filters can be used in the same search. Example : /wl search p:Steve a:block-break r:3 or /wl search a:block-break w:event t:30m f: GRASS. For export command, its the same system, with examples such as /wl export all a:block-break or /wl export 100 p:Steve r:3 f:NETHERITE_SWORD

️ Permissions

watchlogs.help -> Allows access to the help command.
watchlogs.tool -> Allows access to the logging tool command.
watchlogs.database -> Allows access to the database command.
watchlogs.page -> Allows access to the page command.
watchlogs.tpto -> Allows access to the tpto command.
watchlogs.giveitem ->Allows access to the giveitem command.
watchlogs.export -> Allows to export datas
watchlogs.import -> Allows to import datas
watchlogs.gdeath -> Allows access to the gdeath command.
watchlogs.search -> Allows access to the search command
watchlogs.website.code -> Allows to obtain the website register security code.
watchlogs.website.delete_account -> Allows to delete account from the website.
watchlogs.website.view_location -> Allows to show location in the website logs.
watchlogs.website.search_permission -> Allows to use the search tool in the website.
watchlogs.website.delete_permission -> Allows to delete their account on the website.
watchlogs.spy -> Allows to use the /wl spy command

Website Feature
Our website is self-hosted directly in the plugin. He can show you in a confortable interface all logs you want for all your moderation and administration tasks. Account passwords are crypted with BCrypt library. You can research logs like the in-game command dirrectly in the website with interactive search tool, and you can know when a player search things in the panel with the new logs.

We provide open and responsive support for WatchLogs. Need help or have suggestions? Don't hesitate to reach out on our Discord server or post review in our Spigot Project ( Here ).

Statistics bStats

License and Usage

WatchLogs is released under the GNU General Public License v3.0. You are free to fork this project and modify it according to your needs, but you must retain the original credits and include a reference to the original project.

⚽ Goals of download









Discord Bot Setup
To utilize Discord integration features of WatchLogs, you need to set up a Discord bot. Here's a quick guide on how to do it:

  1. Create a Discord Application:
    • Go to the Discord Developer Portal.
    • Click on the "New Application" button and give your application a name (e.g., "WatchLogs Bot").
    • Navigate to the "Bot" tab on the left sidebar.
    • Click on the "Add Bot" button and confirm.
    • Customize your bot's username and avatar if desired.
  2. Get Bot Token:
    • Scroll down to the "Token" section under the bot settings.
    • Click on the "Copy" button to copy your bot's token to your clipboard.
  3. Invite Bot to Your Server:
    • Scroll up to the "OAuth2" section.
    • In the "OAuth2 URL Generator" section, select the "bot" scope.
    • Select any necessary bot permissions under the "Bot Permissions" section.
    • Copy the generated URL and open it in your web browser.
    • Follow the prompts to invite your bot to your Discord server.
  4. Configure WatchLogs:
    • In your Minecraft server, open the WatchLogs configuration file.
    • Set the bot token under the discord section: bot-token: <your_bot_token>.
    • Ensure that you have enabled necessary intents for your bot (e.g., GUILD_MESSAGES, GUILD_MEMBERS, etc.).
    • Disable the "Public Bot" option if you don't want your bot to appear in the public bot list.
  5. Enjoy Discord Integration:
    • Your WatchLogs Discord bot is now set up and ready to use! You can now use Discord commands to interact with the plugin and receive real-time log updates.
That's it! You've successfully set up a Discord bot for WatchLogs integration. If you encounter any issues or need further assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to our support team on our Discord server.

(Go in Github for view correct explications)
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,556
First Release: Jun 5, 2024
Last Update: Nov 1, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
7 ratings
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