MoreVIP icon

MoreVIP -----

In game VIP

This Minecraft plugin, called Morevip, enables players to purchase VIP status within the game by clicking on a specific sign in the game world. The plugin utilizes two main third-party libraries: Vault for economy management and LuckPerms for player permissions management.

Description of Plugin Functionality:
  1. Configuration:
    • The plugin loads its configuration from the config.yml file, which can contain settings such as the price for VIP status and the name of the VIP group.
  2. Dependencies:
    • The plugin checks for the presence of two main dependencies: Vault and LuckPerms. If they are not present, the plugin automatically disables itself.
  3. Economy:
    • It uses the Vault plugin to check and manage player balances.
  4. Permissions:
    • It utilizes the LuckPerms plugin to assign players to the VIP group for a certain duration.
Main Features of the Plugin:
  1. Initialization:
    • Upon enabling the plugin (onEnable), the configuration is loaded, and both the economy (Vault) and permission system (LuckPerms) are set up.
    • If any dependencies are missing, the plugin shuts down and logs an error message.
  2. Player Interaction:
    • The plugin listens for the PlayerInteractEvent, which detects when a player clicks on a block.
    • If a player left-clicks on a sign with the text "VIPSHOP" and next line "buy", the plugin performs the following steps:
      • It checks if the player has enough balance to purchase VIP status.
      • If the player has enough money, it deducts the corresponding amount from their account.
      • Using LuckPerms, it assigns the player to the VIP group for one month (30 days).
      • It informs the player of a successful VIP purchase through a chat message.
    • If the player doesn't have enough money, the plugin displays a message about the insufficient funds.
Technical Details:
  • Configuration:
    • The price for VIP and the name of the VIP group are loaded from the configuration file.
    • Example configuration:
      price: 1000.0
      vip_group: vip
  • Integration with LuckPerms:
    • The plugin loads users using their UUID and assigns them a temporary node (Node) with the VIP group for one month.
  • Integration with Vault:
    • The plugin checks the player's balance and performs the deduction from their account.
This plugin provides players with a simple way to purchase VIP status directly in the game, automating the process without requiring intervention from server administrators. [​IMG]
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 17
First Release: Jun 1, 2024
Last Update: Jun 1, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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