This is my first plugin here. It was made in
POLISH-VERSION WARNING. PLUGIN DOESNT WORK WITHOUT VAULT AND ESSENTIALS. This is version 6.0. and here is guide how to use it. When u load up the plugin there will be 8 Commands: For players: /imkc - how many Kubixcoins you have ./kc - shows main gui of plugin ./kct - is maid for ops to predict the price of Kubixcoin ./dajkc - is for giving other people your Kubixcoin's. For example: ./dajkc kubix003 2 it gives player kubix003 2 amount of Kubixcoin's ./kod that if u write some numbers maybe JUST maybe u will be blessed with some kubixcoins. For Admins: ./addkod you can make your own code. for example: ./addkod sigma. Alias: ./akod ./delkod lets you delete code u provided with ./addkod also alias ./dkod ./listkod list you how many codes u have with alias ./lkod here are the examples of Kubixcoin plugin GUI:
and here is the example of hovering your head it shows: your nick,how many you have Kubixcoins and how much you have in economy (for example there is essentials)