A fun little plugin where, when a player holding the "Vicarious Totem" takes fatal damage, the entity that attacked the player will die in their place. If the damage is not from an entity, the nearest living entity within a 6-block radius will die instead. If none of these conditions are met, the Vicarious Totem will function as a regular Totem of Undying.
The Vicarious Totem only works when held in the off-hand.
Command Permissions
/vicarioustotem - Get a "Vicarious Totem"
/vicarioustotem reload - Reload the configuration file
vicarioustotem.admin - Main plugin permission
Configuration File
Code (YAML):
Totem-Name: "&6Vicarious Totem" No-Permission: "&cYou do not have permission to use this command" Get-Success: "&aYou have successfully received a Vicarious Totem" No-Console: "&cThis command can only be executed by a player" Reload-Success: "&aPlugin reloaded successfully"