Hailstorm icon

Hailstorm -----

Enhance your gameplay with realistic and dynamic weather events where hailstorms can randomly occur

Hailstorm is an exciting Minecraft plugin that introduces the thrilling element of hailstorms during thunderstorms. Enhance your gameplay with realistic and dynamic weather events where hailstorms can randomly occur, bringing chaos and excitement to your world.

  • Hailstorms During Thunderstorms: Hailstorms can randomly start during thunderstorms, adding a new layer of realism and challenge to the game.
  • Player Commands:
    • /hailstorm start - Manually start a hailstorm in your current world.
    • /hailstorm stop - Stop an ongoing hailstorm.
    • /hailstorm reload - Reload the plugin configuration.
  • Admin Permissions: Only players with the hailstorm.admin permission can use the hailstorm commands, ensuring control over the plugin's powerful features.
  • Damage Mechanism: Hailstones, represented by snowballs, fall from the sky and can damage crops and hurt players and other living entities, adding a survival aspect to thunderstorms.
  • Configurable Settings: Customize hail probability, intensity, radius, and damage through the plugin's configuration file.
Configuration Options:

  • hail_probability: Probability of a hailstorm occurring during a thunderstorm (default: 0.1).
  • hail_intensity: Number of hailstones falling per second (default: 10).
  • hail_radius: Radius around players where hailstones can fall (default: 100).
  • hail_damage: Damage dealt by a hailstone to a living entity (default: 2.0).

  1. Download the Hailstorm plugin JAR file.
  2. Place the JAR file in your server's plugins directory.
  3. Start or restart your Minecraft server to load the plugin.
  4. Adjust the configuration file (config.yml) as needed and use the /hailstorm reload command to apply changes.
Bring the fury of nature into your Minecraft world with the Hailstorm plugin, and experience thunderstorms like never before!
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 188
First Release: May 30, 2024
Last Update: May 30, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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