kVisuals | Show visuals with ease icon

kVisuals | Show visuals with ease -----

kVisuals shows unique visuals with the help of Resource Packs.


If you encountered an issue or you cannot understand the documentation, please join our discord and contact me. https://starfal.net/discord


kVisuals Download links:
- SpigotMC: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/kvisuals-oraxen-addon.117013/
- Modrinth: https://modrinth.com/plugin/kvisuals
- Hangar: https://hangar.papermc.io/Starfal/kVisuals
- GitHub: https://github.com/KITOXIS/kVisuals/releases


Thank you for downloading kVisuals!
For more information, see https://kvisuals.starfal.net

Plugin setup:
- Drag "kVisuals-1.5.jar" into your plugins folder.
- [Optional and Paid] Install Nexo
- Restart your server.

Nexo Resource Pack Configuration:
- Drag "NexoResourcePackForKVisuals.zip" into your plugins folder and unarchive it
- Run the command "/n rl all" to reload the nexo texture pack and configuration
- Go into "plugins/Nexo/glyphs/kvisuals/visuals.yml"
- Take note of every char:
- Now, go into "plugins/kVisuals/settings.yml" and locate the "texture-glyphs"
- Fill it out with the noted chars
- Run "/kvisuals reload" in game and now your visuals should be working perfectly.

Other resource packs:
- Unzip "NexoResourcePackForKVisuals.zip" and go into "Nexo/pack/assets/minecraft/textures/kvisuals/"
- There you will find all of the textures for the visuals. From there on, you will have to set the Resource Pack up yourself.

kVisuals is an alternative to [ItemsAdder's ScreenEffects Addon]( https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/addon-screeneffects✨-for-itemsadder.90258/), but with even more fun features!


kVisuals has several options for the "Visuals."

The plugin has 2 commands:
/kvisuals <reload>
The `/kvisuals` is the admin command for the plugin, used to reload the configuration and messages files.

The `/visual` is the main command for all of the visuals. It has some working to get used to, but it shows options as suggestions when you type `/visual` in your command line.

`/visual` uses MiniMessage formatting for text coloring ONLY! For the coloring of the background or gradient colors uses MiniMessage formatting, but without the `<>` (Also, it doesn't use "bold" or "italic" etc., **ONLY MINIMESSAGE COLORS**)

To use spaces(` `) in text, use quotes. Example: `"text 123 123"`
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 260
First Release: May 28, 2024
Last Update: Feb 18, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
2 ratings
Find more info at wiki.starfal.net...
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Downloads: ------
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