What is it? Moda84Auth is authorization plugin
Moda84Auth is 2FA plugin
Moda84Auth support MySQL and SQLITE
Commands, perms and description: /register or /reg -
no perm - command for registration ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
/login or /l -
no perm - command for log in ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
/2fa -
no perm - request to enable 2fa (get code for Google Authenticator)
/2fa confirm -
no perm - confirm enable 2fa
/2fa <code> -
no perm - command for log in with 2FA
/changesessiontime <number> -
m84auth.command.changesessiontime - change time in days for autologin (without password)
/unregister or /unreg -
m84auth.command.unregister - command for remove account
/authreload -
m84auth.command.reload - reload config
/authadmin -
m84auth.command.authadmin - admin commands
/authadmin unregister or /authadmin unreg -
m84auth.command.authadmin.unregister - remove player account
/authadmin getip -
m84auth.command.authadmin.getip - Get player IP
/authadmin accounts -
m84auth.command.authadmin.accounts - Get player accounts
Permissions: m84auth.2fa.force - use for stuff if need block join without 2FA