SecurityNeeds icon

SecurityNeeds -----

Take control over OP, make your server safe.


✅ OP restriction without touching "/op" command. ✅
✅ * permission restriction [LuckPerm Support]. ✅
✅ 100% Customization ✅
✅ Lightweight ✅

⚠️ Made for 1.8.8 version ⚠️
⚠️ Built with Java 8 ⚠️
⚠️ Probably work through to 1.20.6 ⚠️

#### If you have || Permission: securityneeds.* || you can use all the commands. ####

Command: /securityneeds || Main command. || Permission: securityneeds.main
Command: /securityneeds reload - /securityneeds rl || Reload command || Permission: securityneeds.reload

Code (YAML):
#SecurityNeeds by NBCSM.

#List of players who can be "OP".
#It does not matter if the player name is entered in lowercase or uppercase letters.
#NBCSM or nbcsm or nBcSm or NbCsM all same.
 - ''
#List of players who can have "*" permission.
#It does not matter if the player name is entered in lowercase or uppercase letters.
#If a player name added in "OP-List" you do not need to add him in "Wildcard-List".
#Since in Minecraft, players with 'OP' have access to all permissions (including '*') by default.
#NBCSM or nbcsm or nBcSm or NbCsM all same.
 - ''
#If "true", "OP" tries to "OP" a player that is not in the "OP-List" it will be cancelled.
#If "false", "OP" tries to "OP" a player that is not in the "OP-List" it will not be cancelled.
#***** SecurityNeeds does not touch "/op" command so, you are safe you lil ɹǝʇɹoodǝɹ *****.
#Default: true
: true
#If "true", "OP" tries to "OP" a player that is not in the "OP-List" it will be logged.
#If "false", "OP" tries to "OP" a player that is not in the "OP-List" it will not be logged.
#Default: true
: true
#If "true", "CONSOLE" tries to "OP" a player that is not in the "OP-List" it will be cancelled.
#If "false", "CONSOLE" tries to "OP" a player that is not in the "OP-List" it will not be cancelled.
#***** SecurityNeeds does not touch "/op" command so, you are safe you lil ɹǝʇɹoodǝɹ *****.
#Default: true
: true
#If "true", "CONSOLE" tries to "OP" a player that is not in the "OP-List" it will be logged.
#If "false", "CONSOLE" tries to "OP" a player that is not in the "OP-List" it will not be logged.
#Default: true
: true
#If "true", "OP" tries to "DEOP" a player in the "OP-List" it will be cancelled.
#If "false", "OP" tries to "DEOP" a player in the "OP-List" it will not be cancelled.
#***** SecurityNeeds does not touch "/op" command so, you are safe you lil ɹǝʇɹoodǝɹ *****.
#Default: true
: true
#If "true", "CONSOLE" tries to "DEOP" a player in the "OP-List" it will be cancelled.
#If "false", "CONSOLE" tries to "DEOP" a player in the "OP-List" it will not be cancelled.
#***** SecurityNeeds does not touch "/op" command so, you are safe you lil ɹǝʇɹoodǝɹ *****.
#Default: true
: true
#If "true", "OP" tries to "DEOP" a player in the "OP-List" it will be logged.
#If "false", "OP" tries to "DEOP" a player in the "OP-List" it will not be logged.
#Default: true
: true
#If "true", "CONSOLE" tries to "DEOP" a player in the "OP-List" it will be logged.
#If "false", "CONSOLE" tries to "DEOP" a player in the "OP-List" it will not be logged.
#Default: true
: true
#If "true", players who are kicked for joining as "OP" while not in the "OP-List" will be logged.
#If "false", players who are kicked for joining as "OP" while not in the "OP-List" will not be logged.
#Default: true
: true
#If "true", players who are kicked for joining with "* permission" while not in the "Wildcard-List" will be logged.
#If "false", players who are kicked for joining with "* permission" while not in the "Wildcard-List" will not be logged.
#Default: true
: true
#If "true", players who are kicked for using commands as "OP" while not in the "OP-List" will be "KICKED" and "DEOPPED".
#If "false", players who are kicked for using commands as "OP" while not in the "OP-List" will not be "KICKED" and "DEOPPED".
#Default: true
#Command will be cancelled.
: true
#If "true", players who are kicked for using commands as "OP" while not in the "OP-List" will be logged.
#If "false", players who are kicked for using commands as "OP" while not in the "OP-List" will not be logged.
#Default: true
: true
#If "true", players who are kicked for using commands with "* permission" while not in the "Wildcard-List" will be "KICKED" and "* permission" will be removed.
#If "false", players who are kicked for using commands with "* permission" while not in the "Wildcard-List" will not be "KICKED" and "* permission" will not be removed.
#Default: true
#Command will be cancelled.
: true
#If "true", players who are kicked for using commands with "* permission" while not in the "Wildcard-List" will be logged.
#If "false", players who are kicked for using commands with "* permission" while not in the "Wildcard-List" will not be logged.
#Default: true
: true
#If "true" players who are kicked because of chatting as "OP" while not in the "OP-List" will be "KICKED" and "DEOPPED".
#If "false" players who are kicked because of chatting as "OP" while not in the "OP-List" will not be "KICKED" and "DEOPPED".
#Default: true
#This is an extra precaution, but I don't know if it is needed.
#Chat message will be cancelled.
: true
#If "true" players who are kicked because of chatting as "OP" while not in the "OP-List" will be logged.
#If "false" players who are kicked because of chatting as "OP" while not in the "OP-List" will not be logged.
#Default: true
: true
#If "true" players who are kicked because of chatting with "* permission" while not in the "Wildcard-List" will be "KICKED" and "* permission" will be removed.
#If "false" players who are kicked because of chatting with "* permission" while not in the "Wildcard-List" will not be "KICKED" and "* permission" will not be removed.
#Default: true
#This is an extra precaution, but I don't know if it is needed.
#Chat message will be cancelled.
: true
#If "true" players who are kicked because of chatting with "* permission" while not in the "Wildcard-List" will be logged.
#If "false" players who are kicked because of chatting with "* permission" while not in the "Wildcard-List" will not be logged.
#Default: true
: true
Code (YAML):
#SecurityNeeds by NBCSM.

: '&4 [&cSecurityNeeds&4 ]'
: '&4You do not have permission.'
: '&aReload completed in &c %reloadtime%ms.'
 - '&f&m -------------&c SecurityNeeds&6 Commands &f&m -------------'
  - ''
  - '&f/securityneeds &6- &cMain command.'
  - '&f/securityneeds reload &6- &f/security rl. &6- &cRelaod command.'
  - ''
  - '&f&m -------------&c SecurityNeeds&6 Commands &f&m -------------'
#The message that "OP" or "CONSOLE" will see when they give "OP" to a player that is not in the "OP-List".
: '&cYou can not OP &4 %player%.'
#The message that "OP" or "CONSOLE" will see when they "DEOP" a player that in the "OP-List".
: '&cYou can not DEOP &4 %player%.'
#The kick message that players who are not in the "OP-List" but join the game as OP will see.
#Players will be "KICKED" and "DEOPPED".
#"/n" stands for "new line".
: '&cYou have been kicked./n&aReason : &cYou can not join as OP.'
#The kick message that players who are not in the "Wildcard-List" but join the game with "* permission" will see.
#Players will be "KICKED" and "* permission" will be removed.
#"/n" stands for "new line".
: '&cYou have been kicked./n&aReason : &cYou can not join with "* permission".'
#The kick message that players who are not in the "OP-List" and issue a command as "OP" will see.
#Players will be "KICKED" and "DEOPPED".
#"/n" stands for "new line".
: '&cYou have been kicked./n&aReason : &cYou can not issue a command as OP.'
#The kick message that players who are not in the "Wildcard-List" and issue a command with "* permission" will see.
#Players will be "KICKED" and "* permission" will be removed.
#"/n" stands for "new line".
: '&cYou have been kicked./n&aReason : &cYou can not issue a command with "* permission".'
#The kick message that players who are not in the "OP-List" and chat as "OP" will see.
#Players will be "KICKED" and "DEOPPED".
#"/n" stands for "new line".
: '&cYou have been kicked./n&aReason : &cYou can not chat as OP.'
#The kick message that players who are not in the "Wildcard-List" and chat with "* permission" will see.
#Players will be "KICKED" and "* permission" will be removed.
#"/n" stands for "new line".
: '&cYou have been kicked./n&aReason : &cYou can not chat with "* permission".'
#                               #
#                               #
#         LOG SECTION           #
#                               #
#                               #

#Set %dateandtime% placeholder output.
#Want to change the current?
#Check this link;
: 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'
: ' [ %dateandtime%] "%player%" was kicked for joining as "OP" while not in the "OP-List". "OP" was removed from "%player%".'
: ' [ %dateandtime%] "%player%" was kicked for joining with "* permission" while not in the "Wildcard-List". "* permission" was removed from "%player%".'
: ' [ %dateandtime%] "%player%" was kicked for using command as "OP" while not in the "OP-List". "OP" was removed from "%player%".'
: ' [ %dateandtime%] "%player%" was kicked for using command with "* permission" while not in the "Wildcard-List". "* permission" was removed from "%player%".'
: ' [ %dateandtime%] "%player%" was kicked for chatting as "OP" while not in the "OP-List". "OP" was removed from "%player%".'
: ' [ %dateandtime%] "%player%" was kicked for chatting with "* permission" while not in the "Wildcard-List". "* permission" was removed from "%player%".'
: ' [ %dateandtime%] "%sender%" tried to give "OP" "%player%" while "%player%" not in the "OP-List". "OP" was not given to "%player%".'
: ' [ %dateandtime%] "CONSOLE" tried to give "OP" "%player%" while "%player%" not in the "OP-List". "OP" was not given to "%player%".'
: ' [ %dateandtime%] "%sender%" tried to "DEOP" "%player%" while "%player%" is in the "OP-List". "%player%" was not "DEOPPED".'
: ' [ %dateandtime%] "CONSOLE" tried to "DEOP" %"player%" while "%player%" is in the "OP-List". "%player%" was not "DEOPPED".'
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 48
First Release: May 19, 2024
Last Update: May 22, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings