Meet, AntiRedstoneClock Reloaded! This is a new version of the abandoned AntiRedstoneClock.
Checks the redstone to stop the tick generator in time
You can customize the text on the sign
Enable or disable disconnection notifications to the Administrator
Configurable messages
Supporting WorldGuard (Only 7.x verison)
Supporting PlotSquared (Only 7.x version)
Choose whether the drop falls out after a breakdown or not.
Support redstone, comparator, observer and repeater.
Defcon: Small clock Warn Limit clock
Code (YAML):
#En: Don't touch this value #Fr: Ne pas modifier cette valeur version: 0.9
#En:Enable metrics (true/false) #Fr: Activer metrics (true/false) metrics: true
#En:Maximal number of redstone blinks authorized during the "Delay" period (digit > 1) #Fr:Nombre maximal de clignotement de redstone autorise pendant la periode "Delay" (entier > 1) MaxPulses: 150
#En: Time (in seconds) before the reset of the "MaxImpulsion" variable (digit > 1) #Fr:Temp (en secondes) avant de reset la premiere variable (entier > 1) Delay: 300
#En:You need it prevent an admin? (true/false) #Fr:Faut-il prevenir un admin? (true/false) NotifyAdmins: true
#En:Is it necessary to drop items (Redstone / repeater) when a loop is destroyed? (true/false) #Fr:Faut-il dropper les items (Redstone/repeater) quand une boucle est détruite? (true/false) DropItems: true
CreateSignWhenClockIsBreak: true
#En:Write the text you want on the sign #Fr:Ecrire le texte a mettre sur les panneaux Sign:
Line1: 'RedstoneClocks'
Line2: 'Are'
Line3: '&4prohibited'
Line4: ''
#En:The list of worlds on which the plugin is disabled separate by "/", put a fake name if none #Fr: La list des mondes sur lequel le plugin est desactive separe par des "/", mettre un faut non si aucun IgnoreWorlds: redstoneWorld/survival
#En:The list of Region on which the plugin is disabled separate by "/", put a fake name if none #Fr: La list des Regions sur lequel le plugin est desactive separe par des "/", mettre un faut non si aucun IgnoreRegions: redstone/admins
#En: Enable or not plotSquaredSupport. (true/false) #Fr: Active ou pas me support de plotSquared. (true/false) plotSquaredSupport: true
worldGuardSupport: true
#En: Enable or disable clock detection for differents redstone elements. (true/false) #Fr: Active ou pas la detection de certaines boucles de redstone. (true/false) checkedClock:
comparator: true
observer: true
piston: true
redstoneAndRepeater: true
AutomaticallyBreakDetectedClock: true
SummonLigthningAtRedstoneLocation: true
#En: Put the plugin in "standby" if the TPS of the server are between min and max TPS value #Fr: "Désactive" le plugin si les tps du serveurs sont entre les TPS du serveur sont entre la valeur min et max checkTPS:
minimumTPS: -1
maximumTPS: -1
intervalInSecond: 15
#En: Disable the check of redstoneclock above an Y value #Fr: Desactive la vérification des boucles de redstone au dessus d'une valeur Y disableRedstoneClockCheckAbove: 255
prefix: '&bAntiRedstoneClock Reloaded &9&l> &r&b '
error: '&4AntiRedstoneClock Reloaded &l> &r&c '
no_permission: '&4Error &9&l> &r&bYou don''t have permission to do that!'
command_use: '&4AntiRedstoneClock Reloaded &l> &r&cCommand usage
: &6/arc $command'
MsgToAdmin: 'Redstone clock disable in x:$X y:$Y Z:$Z. In the world $World'
unknownCmd: 'Unknown command. Type
"/help" for help.'
reloadSuccess: 'Reload Success! Redstone listener and third party plugin are not affected!!!'
newValueInConfig: 'The new value of $setting is $value'
RedStoneClockListHeader: 'RedstoneClockList
: $page'
RedStoneClockListFooter: ''
duplicate_object: 'This list already contains this redstone'
How does TPS check work: He checks 3 things:
If the minimum FPS value is below 0, it will be checked whether the server's TPS is below the maximum TPS value.
If the maximum FPS value is below 0, it will be checked whether the server's TPS value exceeds the minimum FPS value.
Or it will check if the server's TPS is between the minimum and maximum TPS values.
Note: This is not an original work, it's just a port to a new version, the main developer of Trafalcraft