# types: # repetitive (it repeats every certain time established by the cooldown [will produce SPAM]), # on_join (it occurs when the player joins, it can have a cooldown) # on_first_join (executes when a player joins for the first time) # on_leave (executed when a player leaves the server)
# actions: # message (sena a message to the player) # message_for_all (send a message to all players in the server) # message_for_permission_$permission$ (send a message to all players with a specific permission) # command (execute a command by the player) # console_command (execute a command by the console)
update-log: true prefix: "&3&l[GreetiX] &f"
messages: welcome_message: enabled: true type: on_join actions: message_for_permission_$greetix$: - "&cPlugin not configured!" cooldown: true # [False will produce an instant-message send] cooldown_time: 5s
update_log: enabled: false type: repetitive actions: message: - "&2GreetiX has been Updated!" cooldown: true # [False will make SPAM] cooldown_time: 15s