Player Spectator Tools is the ultimate spectating tool for both survival and creative Minecraft servers. This plugin enhances the spectating experience by providing advanced tools and features, allowing players to observe gameplay from a different perspective.
Features: The plugin is highly configurable, allowing you to customize nearly every aspect. Some notable features of this plugin include:
Flexible Permissions: Customize who can use spectator tools with permissions, including world-specific restrictions.
Customizable Spectator Mode: Choose from different spectating modes (NORMAL, DISAPPEAR, FROZEN) and configure player interaction with the environment.
Time and Movement Limits: Set time and distance restrictions on spectating sessions, with options to override limits for admins.
Speed Controls: Adjust spectator speed with multiple speed options, managed through easy-to-use commands.
Interactive Spectating: Allow players to click on other players to spectate them or check the contents of chests and inventories.
1. Get the plugin and put it in the plugins folder. Start the server and let the plugin generate the configuration. 2. Feel free to modify any settings in the configuration file as you see fit. Afterward, restart the server, and you'll be all set. 3. (optional) If you want NPCs you'll need Citizens plugin.
Commands: /spectate - Toggle to and from spectator mode. /spectate [name] - Spectate a player. /spectate player [speed] - Spectate a player. /spectate toggle [speed] - Toggle spectate for others. /spectate exit - Stop spectating. /spectate enable - Enable spectating. /spectate disable - Disable spectating. /speed [speed] - Set the speed of the player. /reload - Reloads the config.
Code (YAML):
# PLAYER SPECTATOR TOOLS # CREATED BY ALANDIODA # VERSION 1.5.4 settings: # Permission to use spectator tools. permission_use: SpectatorTools.spectate
# Permission to change other players spectate mode. permission_other_spectate_mode: SpectatorTools.admin
# Permission to spectate other players. permission_spectate_other: SpectatorTools.admin
# Permission to disable / enable spectating. permission_disable_spectators: SpectatorTools.admin
# Restrict per world # When true you need SpectatorTools.spectate.{world} or SpectatorTools.spectate.* restrict_per_world: false
# Gamemode during spectating spectator_gamemode: SPECTATOR
# Always start spectating from players position # false = it starts from last position. alway_start_from_player: true
# Allow normal players to spectate other players. allow_player_spectating: false
# How long to wait before you move to a new world ticks_wait_for_different_world: 10
# Time limits time_limitations:
enabled: false
while_spectating_seconds: 300
until_next_spectating_seconds: 1200
permission_ignore_limits: SpectatorTools.admin
enabled: false
max_distance_away_from_player: 50
# Spectating settings while_spectating: # Spectating modes: NORMAL, DISAPPEAR, FROZEN # NORMAL - Player will stay there as if it's still there. # DISAPPEAR - Player will dissapear. # FROZEN - Player will stay there, everything will be frozen. spectating_mode: NORMAL
damagable: true
movable: true
can_take_items: true
can_throw_items: true
# If player is killed while spectating, return from spectating. if_killed_return: true
# Can click on players to spectate players. can_spectate_players: true
# Can click on chests to see what's inside. can_spectator_check_inventories: true
# Go from spectator upon damage. return_from_spectator_if_damaged: false
# Spectating options spectating_options:
speed_options_enabled: true
# Speed can be changed when not spectating. enabled_while_non_spectator: false
# Permission to use speed commands. permission_speed: SpectatorTools.speede
# Different speeds, can remove or change numbers (use: /speed 1). speeds:
speed_1: 0.2
speed_2: 0.4
speed_3: 0.6
speed_4: 0.8
speed_5: 1.0
messages: # You can use <time> when limitations are enabled. # Time left will be displayed in this format "mm:ss" hotbar_spectating: "&cYou're spectating..." hotbar_spectating_admin: "&cYou're spectating... &8| &7Shift to exit." chat_to_spectating: "&8[&aSpectateTools&8] &aYou're in spectator mode!" chat_from_spectating: "&8[&aSpectateTools&8] &aYou are back from spectator mode!" chat_spectate_expire: "&8[&aSpectateTools&8] &eSpectate time has expired!" chat_can_not_spectate_now: "&8[&aSpectateTools&8] &eYou can't spectate at this moment!" chat_no_permission_spectate: "&8[&aSpectateTools&8] &cYou don't have permission to spectate!" chat_no_permission_use_speed: "&8[&aSpectateTools&8] &cYou don't have permission to use speed commands!" chat_only_use_speed_in_spectate: "&8[&aSpectateTools&8] &cYou can only use speed commands when spectating!" chat_speed_set: "&8[&aSpectateTools&8] &aSpeed set to <speed>." chat_speed_ussage: "&8[&aSpectateTools&8] &cUssage: /speed [speed]" chat_speed_limits: "&8[&aSpectateTools&8] &cSpeed range [1 ... 5]" chat_no_permission_to_toggle_other_spectator: "&8[&aSpectateTools&8] &cYou don't have permission to toggle others spectator mode!" chat_player_toggled_spectating: "&8[&aSpectateTools&8] &aYou have toggled <player>'s spectating mode to <spectating>." chat_now_spectating_player: "&8[&aSpectateTools&8] &aYou are now spectaing a player." chat_player_not_found: "&8[&aSpectateTools&8] &cPlayer can't be found!" chat_exist_admin_spectator_mode_first: "&8[&aSpectateTools&8] &cYou have to exit admin spectator mode first." chat_no_permission_to_spectate_others: "&8[&aSpectateTools&8] &cYou don't have permission to spectate others!" chat_no_permission_to_use_command: "&8[&aSpectateTools&8] &cYou don't have permission to use this command!" chat_spectating_enabled: "&8[&aSpectateTools&8] &aSpectating now enabled!" chat_spectating_disabled: "&8[&aSpectateTools&8] &aSpectating now disabled!" chat_spectating_is_disabled: "&8[&aSpectateTools&8] &cSpectating is disabled!" help: -
"&e&l#&r&8&m----------------------------------------------&r&e&l#" -
" &e&lHelp &r&e- &aPlayer Spectator Tools" -
"" -
"&e/spectate &8- &7Toggles spectator mode." -
"&e/spectate <player> &8- &7Spectates a player." -
"&e/spectate player <player> &8- &7Spectates a player." -
"&e/spectate toggle <player> &8- &7Toggles spectator mode for player." -
"&e/spectate exit &8- &7Stop spectating." -
"&e/spectate enable &8- &7Enable spectating." -
"&e/spectate disable &8- &7Disable spectating." -
"&e/unspectate &8- &7Stop spectating." -
"&e/unspectate <player> &8- &7Get another player from spectating." -
"&e/speed <speed> &8- &7Set the speed of the player." -
"" -
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Before you buy the plugin make sure to read carefully this page just so you'll understand what you're getting.
Terms and conditions: This plugin cannot be refunded. You aren't allowed to redistribute/resell this plugin. You aren't allowed to modify or decompile the plugin. Support: