RotatingItems | Rotating ItemDisplays for your server icon

RotatingItems | Rotating ItemDisplays for your server -----

Clickable item displays with drop-like animations. Adjustable size, speed, direction and more!

RotatingItems is an alternative to RotatingHeads that utilizes ItemDisplays. It aims to optimize the item-drop animation by eliminating the need for armor stands. Additionally, the animation automatically pauses when the chunk containing the RotatingItem is unloaded.
You can customize various aspects of RotatingItems, including size, position, animation speed, direction, and the displayed item itself. Furthermore, you can add click commands that support both console and player execution. These hitboxes utilize interaction entities, allowing for highly customizable hitbox sizes.

Help Command:

The design is very human :). (Below messages are clickable so you can modify RotatingItems easily)

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Resource Information
Total Downloads: 157
First Release: May 18, 2024
Last Update: May 19, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
2 ratings
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