Short-Description: Extended Inventory will extend the functionality and size of a payers inventory.
Once added to your server, every player will have new control items appear in their inventory.
With those buttons, they are able to switch between different pages of their inventory to store more items.
Key-Features: - "Control-Items" to switch pages of your inventory
- Individually choose through permissions how many pages (1-10 max) each player is able to access (extendedinventory.pages.10 for 10 pages)
- Toggle wether the hotbar items should be included or not
- Highly configurable (Change every item and message in the plugin)
- Flatfile or MySQL support
- Lightweight and fully asynchronous transactions
- If using MySQL inventories and functionallity can be shared across servers on a BungeeCord-Network
- Open-Source
- Fast and reliable support
- "/einv reload" command to easily reload all internal configurations. Permission to perform: extendedinventory.commands.reload
Coming soon:
- Toggle wether the armour is included or not
- Support for different database systems
Setup: - Add the downloaded plugin to your plugins folder
- Restart your server
=> NOTE: When activating the plugin for the first time, the configured-slots for the control items of a players inventory will be overriten and the items previously on those slots will be lost.
- If MySQL is wanted;
Navigate into the plugins/ExtendedInventory folder and open up the mysql.yml. Set enabled=true and fill out your personal database informations. Restart your server again.
- Plugin is ready and active
Configuration files:
Code (YAML):
Prefix: "&7[&6EInv&7] |"
# If this option is enabled, the hotbar items will also be changed by switching pages IncludeHotbarItems: false
Name: "&aNext Page" Material: "arrow" # You can split the lines by using '//' Lore: "//&7Navigate to the next//&7page of your inventory" # If you want to use custom skins on your items, you can put in minecrafturl-values from: MinecraftURL: "77334cddfab45d75ad28e1a47bf8cf5017d2f0982f6737da22d4972952510661" PreviousPageItem:
Name: "&aPrevious Page" Material: "arrow" # You can split the lines by using '//' Lore: "//&7Navigate to the previous//&7page of your inventory" # If you want to use custom skins on your items, you can put in minecrafturl-values from: MinecraftURL: "e7742034f59db890c8004156b727c77ca695c4399d8e0da5ce9227cf836bb8e2" IndicatorItem:
Name: "&7Page: (&e%PAGE%&7)" Material: "gray_stained_glass_pane" # You can split the lines by using '//' Lore: "" # You can find Minecraft-URL-Values here: MinecraftURL: ""
Code (YAML):
NoPermission: "%PREFIX% &cYou do not have permissions to do that!" NoPlayer: "%PREFIX% &cThis action can only be performed by players!" Inventory:
NoMorePages: "%PREFIX% &7There are no more pages available!" FirstPage: "%PREFIX% &7You are already on the first page!"
# Only change the following settings if you know what you are doing. # Default settings will result in a perfectly functioning plugin in most of the time. ExpertSettings:
DriverClass: "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" MinimumConnections: 1
MaximumConnections: 5
ConnectionTimeout: 20000
Event tho I tried my best to make the plugin as solid and bug-free as possible I only have limited possibilities to test thoroughly. That said, if you encounter any bugs or problems, please feel free to contact me any time with a private message or a post in the discuess-section of the plugin-page. I will help you as fast as I can and try to resolve the issue.
Please do not post bugs or issues as a review without talking to me first, thanks a lot.