Stamina icon

Stamina -----

The hunger bar turns into a stamina bar, add stat modifiers to items and armour

Stamina | 1.0.0
This plugin turns your hunger bar into a stamina bar. Sprinting causes you to exhaust stamina. By waiting a little bit you start to recover it again.

There are also a handful of stamina modifiers, which can be put on any item or armour that you want.

  • /stamina or /stm unlocks customizability for items (requires OP for most things).
  • /stamina setarmour sets stat modifiers for armour pieces when worn.
  • /stamina setitem sets modifiers for items in main hand.
  • You can enter these commands to see their respective usages.
  • Using these commands will register the item in the plugin's data files so that the stats persists through server restarts. Registered items are identified by display name and material.
  • /stamina itemstats|armourstats displays the stamina modifiers of the item you're holding.
  • /stamina unset removes the item from the registry, including its stats.

Stat modifiers:
The modifiers for armour are different than for items. Armour provides stats for natural recovery speed, stamina preservation for using items and stamina preservation for sprinting.

Items have their stat modifiers applied upon using them from your main hand. The interactions include hitting an entity, left click, right click and shooting with a bow. The modifiers include stamina cost, item cooldown and natural recovery cooldown (boolean value; sets a short cooldown before being able to recover naturally).

Registering an item will save its stats in a data file so it can be used again after server restarts, and the changes are reflected immediately in-game.

Resource pack:
The plugin comes with a resource pack that alters the look of the hunger bar. It is automatically provided upon joining the server, but can be disabled in the config file. You can download the resource pack here.

Despite that this plugin allows you to add stat modifiers on virtually any item, it will likely not work well with items or weapons from other plugins. This is because they will likely have their own functionality that this plugin cannot detect or handle properly. Armour from different plugins may work well. There is also an extra armour modifier that isn't made directly accessible since it currently has an issue. If you are curious, you can explore how it works by checking the armour.yml file after registering some armour.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 65
First Release: May 13, 2024
Last Update: May 13, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
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