AdvLoc [1.16-1.20.6] - Advanced Logging 150 + Events icon

AdvLoc [1.16-1.20.6] - Advanced Logging 150 + Events -----

Logs 150+ events.

AdvLog - Logs 150+ Events.

Check this list to see what Events are getting logged:

Discord Extension:
You can get specific events displayed in a discord channel, using the discord webhook. Change all settings in the config.yml


  • /advlog reload - reloads the config
  • /advlog clear - clears all logs
  • /advlog version - shows the version of the installed plugin and latest released
Aliases: advancedlogging, al

This plugin creates .log files for each event, listed above. It's seperated into Player Events, Entity Events, Block Events, Inventory Events, Enchantment Events and Vehicle events. The logs are getting deleted per default every 24h, to prevent the trashing of your server. You can change the interval in the config.yml, there you can change other things like, if the events should be displayed in the console, or what specific events should be logged or not.

This plugin uses bstats plugin metrics system. The following information is collected and sent to unless you disable it:
  • A unique identifier
  • The server's version of Java
  • Whether the server is in offline or online mode
  • Plugin's version
  • Server's version
  • OS version/name and architecture
  • core count for the CPU
  • number of players online
  • Metrics version
To disable it, go to your /bstats folder in your /plugins folder and disable it in the config.yml


#AdvLog Configuration File
#Author: TSERATO
#Logs 150+ Events

#Select in what interval the logs should get deleted. Default is every day. Set to 0 to disable.
months: 0
days: 1
hours: 0
minutes: 0
seconds: 0

#Enable Discord Webhook
#You can continue with even more events, by just adding a custom name in the same height of example1 and example2.
enabled: false #Select if the hook should be enabled.
event: BLOCK_BREAK #Choose event. Same format of the rest of the config, e.g. block-place (in config) -> BLOCK_PLACE (in webhooks)
webhook-url: "YOUR_WEBHOOK_URL_HERE"
enabled: false
webhook-url: "YOUR_WEBHOOK_URL_HERE"

#Enables message in the consoles for each event.
enable-console: false

#Blocks - Events concerning blocks.

#Enables message in the consoles for each event concerning blocks.
enable-break-console: false

#Logs block breaking.
block-break: true
block-break-console: false

#Logs block burning.
block-burn: true
block-burn-console: false

#Logs if a player is allowed to build there.
block-can-build: true
block-can-build-console: false

#Logs the damaging of blocks.
block-damage: true
block-damage-console: false

#Logs dispensing of blocks.
block-dispense: true
block-dispense-console: false

#Logs fading of blocks, e.g. melting.
block-fade: true
block-fade-console: false

#Logs the forming of blocks.
block-form: true
block-form-console: false

#Logs movement of blocks from point A to point B.
block-from-to: true
block-from-to-console: false

#Logs the growth.
block-grow: true
block-grow-console: false

#Logs the extention of pistons.
block-piston-extend: true
block-piston-extend-console: false

#Logs the retraction of pistons.
block-piston-retract: true
block-piston-retract-console: false

#Logs the placement of blocks.
block-place: true
block-place-console: false

#Logs change of redstone.
block-redstone: true
block-redstone-console: false

#Logs the spread of blocks.
block-spread: true
block-spread-console: false

#Logs the decaying of leaves.
block-leaves-decay: true
block-leaves-decay-console: false

#Logs the play of a note.
block-note-play: true
block-note-play-console: false

#Logs the change of signs.
block-sign-change: true
block-sign-change-console: false

#Enables message in the consoles for each event concerning enchantments.
enable-enchantment-console: false

#Logs the enchantment.
enchant-enchantment: true
enchant-enchantment-console: false

#Logs the preparation of enchantments.
enchant-prepare-enchantment: true
enchant-prepare-enchantment-console: false

#Enables message in the consoles for each event concerning entities.
enable-entity-console: false

#Logs the spawning of entities.
entity-creature-spawn: true
entity-creature-spawn-console: false

#Logs whenever a creeper gets hit by a lightning.
entity-creeper-power: true
entity-creeper-power-console: false

#Logs the breaking of a door.
entity-break-door: true
entity-break-door-console: false

#Logs the changing of a block by an entity.
entity-block-change: true
entity-block-change-console: false

#Logs the combustion by/from entities.
entity-combust: true
entity-combust-console: false

#Logs the creation of portals.
entity-create-portal: true
entity-create-portal-console: false

#Logs the entity damage done by blocks.
entity-damage-by-block: true
entity-damage-by-block-console: false

#Logs the entity damage dealt by other entities.
entity-damage-by-entity: true
entity-damage-by-entity-console: false

#Logs the death of entities.
entity-death: true
entity-death-console: false

#Logs the explosion of entities.
entity-explode: true
entity-explode-console: false

#Logs the interaction of entities.
entity-interact: true
entity-interact-console: false

#Logs the entering of portals by entities.
entity-portal-enter: true
entity-portal-enter-console: false

#Logs the exiting of portals by entities.
entity-portal-exit: true
entity-portal-exit-console: false

#Logs the regain of health.
entity-regain-health: true
entity-regain-health-console: false

#Logs the shooting of a bow.
entity-shoot-bow: true
entity-shoot-bow-console: false

#Logs the taming of entities.
entity-tame: true
entity-tame-console: false

#Logs the targeting of entities.
entity-target: true
entity-target-console: false

#Logs the teleportation of entities, e.g. Enderman.
entity-teleport: true
entity-teleport-console: false

#Logs the usage of exp bottles.
entity-exp-bottle: true
entity-exp-bottle-console: false

#Logs the prime of an explosion.
entity-explosion-prime: true
entity-explosion-prime-console: false

#Logs the food level change.
entity-food-level-change: true
entity-food-level-change-console: false

#Logs the item depspawn.
entity-item-despawn: true
entity-item-despawn-console: false

#Logs the hitting of Lightning to pigs.
entity-pig-zap: true
entity-pig-zap-console: false

#Logs the player deaths.
entity-player-death: true
entity-player-death-console: false

#Logs potion splashs.
entity-potion-splash: true
entity-potion-splash-console: false

#Logs the dyeing of wool.
entity-sheep-dye-wool: true
entity-sheep-dye-wool-console: false

#Logs the regrowth of wool.
entity-sheep-regrow-wool: true
entity-sheep-regrow-wool-console: false

#Logs the splitting of slimes.
entity-slime-split: true
entity-slime-split-console: false

#Enables message in the consoles for each event concerning the inventory.
enable-inventory-console: false

#Logs the brewing of items.
inventory-brew: true
inventory-brew-console: false

#Logs the crafting of items.
inventory-craft-item: true
inventory-craft-item-console: false

#Logs the furnace burn.
inventory-furnace-burn: true
inventory-furnace-burn-console: false

#Logs the smelting done by furnaces.
inventory-furnace-smelt: true
inventory-furnace-smelt-console: false

#Enables message in the consoles for each event concerning the player.
enable-player-console: false

#Logs the animation.
player-animation: true
player-animation-console: false

#Logs the entering of a bed.
player-bed-enter: true
player-bed-enter-console: false

#Logs the exiting of a bed.
player-bed-leave: true
player-bed-leave-console: false

#Logs the emptying of a bucket.
player-bucket-empty: true
player-bucket-empty-console: false

#Logs the filling of a bucket.
player-bucket-fill: true
player-bucket-fill-console: true

#Logs the chatting.
player-chat: true
player-chat-console: false

#Logs dropping of items.
player-drop-item: true
player-drop-item-console: false

#Logs throwing of eggs.
player-egg-throw: true
player-egg-throw-console: false

#Logs the change of experience points.
player-exp-change: true
player-exp-change-console: false

#Logs the fishing done by a player.
player-fish: true
player-fish-console: false

#Logs the changing of gamemodes.
player-gamemode-change: true
player-gamemode-change-console: false

#Logs the interaction with entities.
player-interact-entity: true
player-interact-entity-console: false

#Logs the item break done by a player.
player-item-break: true
player-item-break-console: false

#Logs the change of an item held by player.
player-item-held: true
player-item-held-console: false

#Logs the joins of a player.
player-join: true
player-join-console: false

#Logs the kicks of a player.
player-kick: true
player-kick-console: false

#Logs the change of experience levels.
player-level-change: true
player-level-change-console: false

#Logs the player login.
player-login: true
player-login-console: false

#Logs the player movement.
player-move: true
player-move-console: false

#Logs the item pick-up.
player-item-pick: true
player-item-pick-console: false

#Logs the pre-login.
player-pre-login: true
player-pre-login-console: false

#Logs the quits of a player.
player-quit: true
player-quit-console: false

#Logs the respawn of a player.
player-respawn: true
player-respawn-console: false

#Logs the shearing by a player.
player-shear-entity: true
player-shear-entity-console: false

#Logs the teleportation of a player.
player-teleport: true
player-teleport-console: false

#Logs the change into the flying state.
player-toggle-flight: true
player-toggle-flight-console: false

#Logs the change into the sneaking state.
player-toggle-sneak: true
player-toggle-sneak-console: false

#Logs the change into the sprinting state.
player-toggle-sprint: true
player-toggle-sprint-console: false

#Enables message in the consoles for each event concerning vehicles.
enable-vehicle-console: false

#Logs the block collision of a vehicle with a block.
vehicle-block-collision: true
vehicle-block-collision-console: false

#Logs the creation of a vehicle.
vehicle-create: true
vehicle-create-console: false

#Logs the damage done to a vehicle.
vehicle-damage: true
vehicle-damage-console: false

#Logs the destruction of a vehicle.
vehicle-destroy: true
vehicle-destroy-console: false

#Logs the entering of a vehicle.
vehicle-enter: true
vehicle-enter-console: false

#Logs the exiting of a vehicle.
vehicle-exit: true
vehicle-exit-console: false

#Logs the movement of a vehicle.
vehicle-move: true
vehicle-move-console: false

#Enables message in the consoles for each event concerning the weather.
enable-weather-console: false

#Logs the change of the lightning state.
weather-lightning: true
weather-lightning-console: false

#Logs the change of the thunder state.
weather-thunder: true
weather-thunder-console: false
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 156
First Release: May 12, 2024
Last Update: May 17, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings