LightChat [BEST CHAT PLUGIN] icon

LightChat [BEST CHAT PLUGIN] -----

antiswear,antispam,anticaps,antilongrepeatedchars,antiadvertising and a lot of nice features

LightChat Plugin - Elevate Your Server's Communication Experience!

Enhance communication on your server with these advanced features:

  • Advanced AntiCaps: Ensure clarity by moderating excessive capital letter usage, making messages easy to read and understand.

  • Advanced AntiLongRepeatedChars: Keep your chat clean by filtering out long sequences of repeated characters.

  • Advanced AntiSpam: Combat spam effectively with real-time detection and filtering for a distraction-free chat experience.

  • Advanced AntiSwear: Foster a positive community atmosphere by automatically filtering inappropriate language.(antiswear.yml)
  • Advanced AntiSwear Discord Logger: Automatically sends detected swear words to a Discord channel for real-time moderation.(antiswear.yml)
  • Advanced AntiAdvertising: Protect your community from unwanted advertisements with automatic detection and filtering. (

  • Advanced Chat Clear: Quickly clear the chat during important moments with a simple command.

  • Advanced Chat Disable/Enable: Take control of server communication by temporarily silencing or enabling chat during specific events.

  • Advanced JoinQuit Messages: Personalize welcome and farewell messages for new and departing players.

  • Advanced MsgCommand: Facilitate seamless private communication between players with an intuitive messaging command.

  • Advanced Title Command: Display custom titles to convey important information with eye-catching visuals on players' screens.

  • Advanced Actionbar Command: Keep players informed and engaged with dynamic messages displayed in the action bar.

  • Advanced Discord Command: Connect your community by providing a simple command to join your Discord server.

  • Advanced Website Command: Link players to additional resources and stay connected through your official website.

  • Advanced Ping Command: Monitor connection status and ensure a smooth gaming experience by checking ping.

  • Advanced Announcer Command: Broadcast announcements and important messages to all players in real-time.

  • Advanced Broadcast Command: Instantly reach everyone on your server with server-wide messages and announcements.

  • Advanced DoNotDisturb (DND) Mode: Allow players to activate DND mode to avoid notifications while still receiving custom mentions.

  • Advanced Mention Notifications: Notify players with a custom title, subtitle, and sound when mentioned in chat, highlighting their name in the message.

  • Advanced BlockCommand: Restrict the use of specific commands with customizable block messages to maintain server control. (blockcommand.yml)

  • Advanced AntiTabComplete: Prevent unauthorized command tab completion with flexible settings to exclude specific commands from tab completion blocking. (
  • AdvancedReplyCommand: Easily reply to the last player who messaged you with the /reply command. The message format and notification sound can be customized. If the last player is offline, you'll be notified.
  • AdvancedToggleChat: Manage your chat visibility with the /togglechat command. When disabled, you won't see other players' messages. You can re-enable it when you’re ready. Messages and settings can be customized via the config file.
  • AdvancedPlayerChatClear: Use the /pchatclear command to clear only your own chat.
With LightChat, elevate your server's communication experience, ensuring efficiency, clarity, and engagement. Create a vibrant and welcoming community for your players today!

Antiswear Discord logger:


Join The Discord server.



# LightChat Configuration File

# Message to broadcast when chat is disabled.
# %player% placeholder will be replaced with the name of the player who executed the command.
chat_disable_message: "&bʟɪɢʜᴛᴄʜᴀᴛ➜ &cChat has been muted by %player%"

# Message to broadcast when chat is enabled.
# %player% placeholder will be replaced with the name of the player who executed the command.
chat_enable_message: "&bʟɪɢʜᴛᴄʜᴀᴛ➜ &aChat has been unmuted by %player%"

# Message to broadcast when chat is cleared.
# %player% placeholder will be replaced with the name of the player who executed the command.
chat_clear_message: "&bʟɪɢʜᴛᴄʜᴀᴛ➜ &6Chat has been cleared by %player%!"

# Message to be sent to the player when they use a blocked swear word.
swear_message: "&bʟɪɢʜᴛᴄʜᴀᴛ➜ &cYou can't use swear words!"

# Anti-Caps feature settings.
# If true, messages with excessive capital letters will be modified or blocked.
AntiCaps: true

# Anti-Spam settings
# The cooldown time between messages in seconds.
spam_cooldown_seconds: 2

# Whether ops (server operators) bypass the anti-spam feature.
ops_bypass_anti_spam: true

# Message to be sent when a player tries to chat during cooldown.
cooldown_message: "&bʟɪɢʜᴛᴄʜᴀᴛ➜ &cPlease wait a moment before sending another message."

# Message to broadcast when a player joins the server.
# %player% placeholder will be replaced with the name of the joining player.
join_message: "&a[+] &7%player%"

# Message to broadcast when a player quits the server.
# %player% placeholder will be replaced with the name of the quitting player.
quit_message: "&c[-] &7%player%"

# Anti-Long-Repeated-Chars feature settings
# If true, messages with long repeated characters will be blocked.
AntiLongRepeatedChars: true

# The maximum allowed number of repeated characters in a row.
MaxRepeatedChars: 3

# Whether ops (server operators) bypass the anti-long-repeated-chars feature.
ops_bypass_anti_long_repeated_chars: true

# Message to send to players when their message is blocked for having too many repeated characters.
warning_message: "&bʟɪɢʜᴛᴄʜᴀᴛ➜ &cPlease avoid using long repeated characters in words!"

# Message format settings for private messages
# Format for the sender of the private message
sent: "&7[&aYou → %recipient%&7] &f%message%"
# Format for the recipient of the private message
received: "&7[&a%sender% → You&7] &f%message%"

# Notification sound when receiving a private message
# Use a valid Minecraft sound name.
msg_notification_sound: "ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP"

# Anti-Advertising settings
enabled: true
# Message to be sent when a player attempts to advertise
warning-message: "&bʟɪɢʜᴛᴄʜᴀᴛ➜ &cAdvertising is not allowed on this server!"

# Patterns to detect advertising messages
message-discord: ""
messages-website: "website"

# Ping message format settings
green: "&aYour ping: %ping%ms"
yellow: "&eYour ping: %ping%ms"
orange: "&6Your ping: %ping%ms"
red: "&cYour ping: %ping%ms"

# Prefix for broadcast messages
broadcast-prefix: '&6[Broadcast]'

# Announcement settings
announce-title: "&eAnnouncement"
announce-subtitle: "&bCheck the chat for details!"
announce-prefix: "&6[Announcer]"
# Default sound for announcements, can be changed to any valid sound name
announce-sound: "ENTITY_PLAYER_LEVELUP"

title: "&aYou've been mentioned"
subtitle: "&7%player% mentioned you"
color: "&9" # This is the color setting for chat mentions. The mentioned player's name will be shown in this color in chat.

dnd_mode_on: "&cDo Not Disturb mode is now on. You will not receive notifications."
dnd_mode_off: "&aDo Not Disturb mode is now off. You will receive notifications."
allow_mentions: true
msg: true
sound: true
title: true
subtitle: true
sender_message: "&cPlayer %player% is in Do Not Disturb mode and cannot be mentioned."
mentioned_message: "&7%player% mentioned you, but you are in Do Not Disturb mode."
dnd_mode_on_icon: "&c⛔ Do Not Disturb"
dnd_mode_off_icon: "&a⬤ Online"

/lightchat reload
/lightchat help

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 847
First Release: May 12, 2024
Last Update: Feb 16, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
1 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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