Customizable and Advanced Welcome Plugin for Your Server
Ability to send customized messages to the chat when the player joins the server.
Ability to send messages to the channel you specify in Discord when the player logs into the server. (Optional)
Ability to set the status of the Discord bot. (Optional)
Ability to show customized message in Action Bar when player enters server. (Optional)
Code (Text):
# Server login message customization.
welcome-message: "&b{player} &ahas joined the server!"
# Parameters;
# {player} : Specifies the name of the player joining the server.
# Discord Bot
discord-bot: false # Bot message on/off setting.
status: "" # Will Be Added Soon
token: "" # bot's token
channel-id: "" # Enter a custom channel ID that the bot and admin can see.
title: "has joined the server!" # Text in embed header (Parameters will be added soon)