Have you ever wanted to milk more than cows? Well now you can! Milkme gives you the ability to milk players by adding and removing players from a list of milkable players. You can also use a permission to specify an entire group to be milkable, or for specific players to have permission to manage the milkable players list, all done via command. After you've gotten things setup all you need to do is right click the milkable player with an empty bucket!
Note: Milking a player plays the udder milking noise, cow hurt noise and gives half a heart of damage to the milked player, assuming your config is default. Milking a player till their death will state a custom death message, default being "Player died of milking", customizable via config.yml.
> Commands
/milkeme (Opens GUI)
/milkme add <player>
/milkme remove <player>
> Permissions
milkme.use - Allows the use of an empty bucket to milk a player
(By default this is disabled in the config.yml and can be enabled manually.)
milkme.admin - Allows use of commands.
milkme.milkable - Bypasses list and allows players to milk the player with this permission.
> Config settings
- You can set a custom death message
- Set damage given to milked player.
- Set a cooldown for milking players.
- Set volume of cow noises when milked.
- Enable / Disable cow noises entirely.
- Enable / Disable the `milkme.use` permission requirement to milk.
Both the damage and the cooldown can be adjusted in real time using the "/milkme" command to open a GUI:
Code (Text):
# Hey thanks for downloading my weird plugin. Idk what your reason is for needing something like this, or wanting. Hey I know this cool server;
# It's a small whitelisted vanilla SMP with a permanent map, generated on jan 28th, 2021.
# You can join that server at https://crafters.one/Discord or just see my plugins here https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/authors/plexiate.117947/
# or at my modrinth here https://modrinth.com/user/Plexiate
death-message: "{PLAYER} died of milking."
damage: 1 #Amount of damage getting milked inflicts on the player.
cool-down: 3 # The cooldown duration in seconds