- Create lootboxes of different rarities - Add custom rewards of various rarities, chances, and ranges
✔Create any rarity you want ✔ Add and remove rewards using easy commands ✔View all possible rewards with left-click ✔Change rewards' rarities and chances ✔Edit how much of each reward and rarity you can win ✔ Change the size of the lootboxes
- WIP Features: ✎Increase customizability (colors, commands) ✎ Allow admins to see what lootboxes are being opened ✎ Add sounds and broadcasts for certain rewards ✎ Add lootbox stats
Code (Text):
# Chance to win an item of specified rarity *after the guarenteed minimum*
# Chance will be run (the difference between max and min) times after guarenteed minimum
# Ex: (minCommon:3, maxCommon: 5, chanceCommon: 50) 3 guarenteed commons and 2x 50% chance for additional commons)
chanceCommon: 50
chanceUncommon: 33
chanceRare: 20
chanceEpic: 5
chanceLegendary: 2
# Maximum number of items of specified rarity obtainable per lootbox
maxCommon: 5
maxUncommon: 3
maxRare: 2
maxEpic: 1
maxLegendary: 1
# Guarenteed number of items of specified rarity per lootbox
minCommon: 3
minUncommon: 1
minRare: 0
minEpic: 0
minLegendary: 0
lootboxSize: 4 # Size of lootbox inventory (3-6) *Make sure there's enough room for the minimum amount of all items*
lootboxViewSize: 4 # Size of lootbox view inventory (3-6) *Seperate from actual lootbox inventory in case you have a large amount of possible rewards*
# No Permission Message
permDenied: &8• &7You lack permission for that
# Permission Node Prefix
permPrefix: skript # permission node will begin with this, ex: "skript.lootbox"