• GameModes: Normal and Insane
• GameTypes: Solo and Team
• Events: Refill and EnderDragon
• Customizable chests
• PlayerData: MySQL
• Arena System: MultiWorld (1 arena per world)
• Compatibility with: PlaceholderAPI
• Cosmetics: Cages, Kits, Projectile trails,Kill effect & Victory Dances.
Help - 1/3
/sw build - Enable/Disable builder mode.
/sw setspawn - Set server spawn.
/sw cage [create/delete] [name] - Create/Delete cage.
/sw start - Start the game.
/sw create [insane/insanedoubles/normal/normaldoubles] [name] - Create a room.
/sw balloons - Set balloon locations.
Help - 2/3
/sw clone [world] [newWorld] - Clone a room.
/sw load [world] - Load a world.
/sw unload [world] - Unload a world.
/sw tp [world] - Teleport to a world.
/sw give [player] [booster/coins] - Give multipliers and coins.
/sw preview - Set preview locations.
Help - 3/3
/sw chest [name] [create/edit/change] - Create/Edit/Change chest type(s).
/sw leaderboard - Add/remove Leaderboards.
/sw npcplay - Add/remove Play NPCs.
/sw npcstats - Add/remove Stats NPCs.
/sw npcdelivery - Add/remove Delivery NPCs.
PlaceholderAPI 2.10.5
Thanks for the downloading my plugin